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Everything posted by Podtastic

  1. So that's how they make margerine!🀨
  2. Still waiting for this to come up for pre-order at BBTs. I'm not ordering from HK when I dont know when, if ever, they will be able to ship here again What on earth is 7.5 cm? The pilot's rifle?
  3. For some of us who don't live in the US it still makes sense to buy from Japan directly. If we can. That being said we international customers must support the hell out of any Destroids and Zentraedi/Marduk/Vajra releases, or WW releases wont really change anything collecting wise.
  4. Well she's up for pre-order at BBTS now so even us Southern Hemispherians can get her.
  5. Yes. I went for the all-in edition as it was the only way to get both the flagship and the armour add-ons. Then I stacked the armour add-ons.
  6. Well finally Hot Toys delivers on a Star Wars figure on my list. Didn't ask for the rolling eyeballs and Interchangeable thing though, just wanted Bespin Luke to Face ESB Vader.
  7. "Thank you so much for supporting us. The Game is FUNDED in one day. This is absolutely amazing, and the new journey begins."
  8. Oh I really was hoping it would be larger. Anyway that and the Zentraedi armour add-ons are must haves, so I guess I'm in. If you can stack add-ons I'll be in for more or those Zentraedi packs. Oh you can...πŸ˜„
  9. I was not planning on this but thankfully HK dollars are not equivalent to US Dollars.πŸ˜… The Giant Zentraedi flagship is tempting, but how big is is it exacty? The SDF1 is only 15 cm.
  10. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Builds excitement if you deliver. Builds resentment if you don't.
  11. I already have all the Zentraedi mecha and soldier minis, so what is being "kickstarted"? Just this ship? Are they doing other ships?
  12. Ah I see... I was worried that these might be the Wokies.πŸ˜‚
  13. Not sure that I did. I was gaming with the latest DOW TW mod using Commander Shas'O Shaserra to call in Seeker missile strikes the whole weekend. What was the answer? A Talosian! I was not expecting that.😲 Commander Kruge and Locutus could do in a pinch, but I'm really looking for soldier types, not named characters. Nevertheless, If I can get confirmation on a Jem'Hadar being made then I'm definitely getting the Klingon.
  14. No idea, but one would expect representative sampling if their going to make statements like that. I enjoy AOT but I wouldn't say its my fave.
  15. Well your Southern Cross hero mecha are going to need an enemy to fight.πŸ˜„ Do you have any plans to try and make the hovertank happen? It got quite close last time. I think I'd still be in for one in vehicular mode.🀨
  16. Is there reason to believe it may be vapourware?
  17. When I saw this I thought it was the Predator, City Hunter.πŸ˜„
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