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Everything posted by Podtastic

  1. That looks very interesting.
  2. Nor the payday they could see with an upgraded SDFM animation coupled with Merchandise.
  3. Absolutely.
  4. That's quite a huge downside given that English is earth's lingua franca.
  5. Podtastic

    Macross figures

    Unless they make some of the Zentradi soldiers those figures are probably the best that's ever going to come out of Delta.
  6. Podtastic

    Macross figures

    Indeed. Buying the Premium and Excellent model Klan Klein actually makes sense. Why aren't there armoured Zentraedi warriors I have to ask?
  7. As long as they did Inbit/Invid as well and not merely long dry streches of human mecha.
  8. Seriously? An armoured Zentraedi warrior toting a BFG. Light or Heavy Armour version. A crime against sci-fi not to really.
  9. Invid in Macross or Robotech remake as well? In the latter case why leave out the Bioroids? I'm quite fond of them.
  10. Odd it looked like a remake to me, I mean there was a first meeting with Asuka and everything. Anyway the point being simply that an update to the animation of the classic SDFM would rock. Classic designs, things shown maybe a little differently in places, but same overall scenarios. As I said like the Macross Pachinko clips. I' wouldn't want a radical start from scratch "reboot' because often these are so different from the original as to be unrecognisable. And often they are not as good.
  11. Yes and no. I would love updated animation but I want to see the classic Zentradi mecha and armour designs. Pretty much like what we saw in the Macross Pachinko clips but extended to the entire series.
  12. The only thing I didn't like was the change to the Zentraedi body armour. The classic SDFM Zentraedi armour and uniforms are so iconic.
  13. It is many of us that want war stories it seems. Indeed. Who cares about idols? Give us all out war Zentradi action. Why cant we get a gently re-imagined (as in don't change the story or designs just update the animation) for SDFM, in addition to new series I have to ask? I mean Evangelion got a little bit of an animation update didn't it..?
  14. Whatever happened to John Moscato and his awesome kits? I stumbled across this forum just in time to be too late to purchase any of those fantastic Zentraedi and Inbit kits he made. Is he still in business? If not is there any place those kits can still be purchased?
  15. My List: 1) Bandai HI Metal R Regult 2) Bandai HI Metal R Glaug 3) Robot Spirits Klan Klang Quaedluun Rhea I love the Zentraedi mecha designs. Pity we're limited to 3 macros Toys. My least faves: 1) A Hickaru valkyrie 2) Yamato Queadluun Rau The Valkyrie is an earlier Hi Metal version (I think) but given that it is not a Zentraedi mecha I have not bothered much with it as yet. Zentraedi Mecha are just so much more interesting. The Yamato is not my fave because despite being a Queadluun it just doesn't look impressive (looks and feels like a cheap child's toy). It also isn't the TV version.
  16. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    That diorama needs the artillery pods. In fact we need more Zentraedi everything! Are they ever releasing this stuff? http://hobby.dengeki.com/ss/hobby/uploads/2015/10/m23.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PmdtOvE10yM/VjZUpqZlhEI/AAAAAAAAEHk/sd1uE3GPRNc/s1600/HI-METAL%2BR%2BRegult%2BHeavy%2BMissile%2BCarrier%2BType%2Bimage% 2B00.jpghttps://farm2.staticflickr.com/1581/24311621834_c665b5e253_b.jpg And what about this? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Hn4Prf6Xugo/VjZKqIabESI/AAAAAAAAEFc/E4MozteAaog/s1600/HI-METAL%2BR%2BVF-1A%2BKakizaki%2BUnit%2BTV%2Bversion%2Bimage%2B00.jpg
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