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Everything posted by Podtastic

  1. Not sure if this is the right thread for this. Anyway, Bandai's Luke and Han Solo in Stormtrooper gear snapfit kits. Figures are fully articulated.
  2. Well pre-ordered my 4 kits. If MEP Toy's oversized rightsized Gurab project backing had not wimped out, I might have ordered the maximum 20. Yes! as it should be. I like my alien mecha to look clean, curvy and high tech.
  3. Just saw this on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/mersa_figure
  4. I dont know if Duck Model Kits will participate in the competition or not, but pics of his Red Bioroid are already all over the web.
  5. I use large durable plastic containers. They take up more space, but you can stack them mile high with no issues, they dont attract pests, and if I ever need to move their basically already packed (would just need to add cushioning material - which is how I move my clothes.😄)
  6. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Even skipping the valkyries and singing that vid still took over 20 minutes to watch at 2x speed.
  7. 95.95 mm Boba Fett and R2D2 acquired for the Slave One and X-Wing.
  8. Excellent. Duck model kits?
  9. Mysterious double post.😶
  10. Pretty ugly compared to the classic.
  11. I want to know where the Regult Scout is on thair release schedule.
  12. Man, it would be so cool if they released an Operation Galactic Storm Wave (and not as exclusives) so we could finally get these and more as figures.🙄 https://www.deviantart.com/wolfehanson/art/Vector-Vengers-Shatterax-894515877
  13. Now if I owned a giant spider I would set it up in gladiatorial matches with equally formidable monstrous space creatures and sell tickets. I dont think I even want to know what the Baron does with it.🙈🙉
  14. She was my favourite from the series.👍 I knew Goliath was more steady, morally more admirable but...who can resist a bad girl?😁
  15. Which is just survival for the species, therefore... ...there is no argument.😂
  16. Well growth doesn't have to be in the direction of emotionality of course. You can have a character who starts out as a weakling who shows all his emotions openly , who grows to one who has learnt restraint. BTW I hated it when the Mandalorian took his helmet off, just as I hated it when Darth Vader took his helmet off.
  17. According to the Ender's Game novel survival is the indicator of success in life.
  18. I have not watched any Dr Who other than some old movies. (and listened to about 100 or so fan made audio drama eps) Any really good visual spectacle alien combat focused eps? Daleks vs Cybermen or Sontarans or what have you?
  19. So he's an old school South African?🤨
  20. Could be interesting. Not sure how it would be a challenge for him though unless he only kills HTH. On that note I still want to see a Predator hunting a T-Rex.😏
  21. Asgard-knight.deviantart.com The artist is Hielo Metalico on FB. Don't know about scale, but I either want a 60 or 90 cm long Nupetiet-Vergnitz(And I've seen some fans in South America pull large prints off). Other ships in scale to that but also larger versions. For example; An in scale Tou Redir would be a bit small, so I also want to have larger versions printed.
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