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Everything posted by Podtastic

  1. If your are refering to the alien fortresses, then I think yes very easily. They had those extremely powerful canons that were one- shotting human cruisers, had some form of energy shields and extremely durable hulls. And remember the most numerous Zentradi ships is the Tou Redir. Smaller Invid mecha means each one is individually less powerful, otherwise size would offer no advantage. Yes, but it would require an even more MASSIVE numerical advantage. The invid are reliant on deploying as many mecha as they an as quickly as they can, they dont have much in the way of warships. Only some large ships are hinted at in the novels and shown in the comics. The invid carriers need to fold in as close as possible to the objective and deploy immediately, because they are big juicy targets for Zentraedi guns. If their firepower is upgraded to equal, but their numbers are not equal or in fact greater, then they have no chance. Even with equal numbers victory will be difficult for them. The Invid rely on swarming the enemy. They don't have experience in using long range firepower. The Zentraedi on the other hand have LOT of experience in fire control, and with tactics in general. The Regis and the Living Computers would need to learn very quickly.
  2. What you describe sounds like what you do when you either have no inkling of WHY your fans are fans in the first place, or you just don't give a damn (see wokeism). Or both.
  3. Cool. It's nice to imagine what could be, and not just stick what is, and what is "official." That could actually be pretty good if executed properly. Get the audience invested in Zor's story, take them along on a journey of discovery with the Aztaph crew, add intricacy to the plot where what happens isn't predictable beyond high level, and factor in high quality animation and dynamic combat scenes.
  4. And the quality of what's being peddled. It would be something really worthwhile if they were to say have Dan Abnet as the writer, Fransciso Etchart as the artist, and stay true to the mecha designs and spirit of the story (no wokeism).
  5. Yes. I also like the idea of them fighting Bioroids, although you havent included the Tirolian forces in this scenario.
  6. That can work. I would prefer the Gamo (and the Gurab and Ligaa obviously) be larger because I see it as the counterpart to the Glaug. It would be like watching the Army Guys fighting Angry Bees. Hardly fun at all. I like the size you've chosen for the Gosu BTW as it fits in with my own (rough) scale preference (non-canon obviously) which is centered on 2 main themes: 1) A 40m tall Zentraedi soldier to get my preferred Zentraedi-human size ratio 2) Having humanoid mecha (except the Zentraedi humanoid mecha obviously) be on the scale of a Zentraedi soldier. This way a Battloid, Gosu, Bioroid, Zentraedi can all engage each other eye to eye. @jenius makes a valid point that you could have the Invid have entirely different mecha for this conflict. That can also work, although I see no reason for them not to be able to rescale the mecha we know given how they seem to shape/grow their mecha rather than manufacture it. I like both options. @Seto Kaiba made a valid point as well. It does make sense that the mecha be scaled as it was to fight the enemy. So I like the idea of the Invid scaling their stuff up to fight the Zentraedi - just as the humans did with their Battloids.
  7. You cant have awesome without ignoring some canon. And Ostriches fighting comparably sized Crabs is awesome. A Zentraedi vs Invid war would sure as hell be more interesting than Pickachu...Hairdo...who cares pining over Min Maid.
  8. This is kind of the scale I'm talking about. (Of course my chosen size for a male Zentraedi is 40 m and a Malar-Gan around 20ft, so the Invid pilot depicted is probably not in scale to those dimensions.) Nevertheless at this scale the apects depicted in the novels work. A Gurab CAN seize a Regult in its claws and rend it. It CAN dismember a Zentraedi pilot. Regults CAN concentrate fire on a single one etc.
  9. These shelves are a pleasure to the eye.๐Ÿ˜ Hey Bandai this is what a Macross Collection is supposed to look like!
  10. I like it. Oddly enough this was the only mecha unique to 7 that I like. There was just something about that scene where this battroid was grabbed by the Protdevlin that appealed to the toy collector in me.
  11. Nice! Cant wait to get this for the Regult as well.โ˜บ๏ธ
  12. Ah, I see. I misinterpreted your post to mean a kind of victory lap, whereas you meant you would have acquired the Green Bioroid.๐Ÿ˜ณ
  13. Why not do that anyway, it sounds great. And what about the Blue?
  14. Yes this would be awesome. In the Robotech universe this is THE major conflict. One we barely catch a glimpse of. Two things I would want for this to work for me. One, the Zentraedi and Invid mecha must be on equivalent scale. In the Robotech novels its made clear, in both the introduction and the Battle of Tawkhan, that the Invid Shocktrooper is on the same scale as the Regult. There is even a scene where a Zentraedi soldier (not micronised) runs under a Gurab, something that is impossible at the niggardly Mospaeda scale. I think this scale is visually better for this conflict. For the remaining Invid Assets such as the Malar and Inorganics I favour the scale shown in the Sentinels comics. The Invid Malar Troopers would still be smaller than Zentraedi Soldiers, but not so much so that its like shooting at beetles. The simple retcon would be that the Invid evolved mecha at a different scales to suit their needs. Two, the Invid must outnumber the Zentraedi In both novel encounters the Zentraedi are heavily outnumbered which, due to their firepower advantage, I think is necessary to make things interesting. It also would explain why so very many Zentraedi were made, why they are engineered to want to fight and be able to keep fighting, and why they do things on such a generous scale.
  15. I wouldn't mind getting an Odeon one day. But the Hellcat is more interesting. From their vid last night it looks MEP toy's Hellcat is coming along nicely, albeit the Scout and Shocktrooper had to be delayed to next tear to make necessary improvements.
  16. Seemingly. At one point Frank Herbert was considering suing. As he put it there were about "40 points of contact between Star Wars and Dune." Aside from that C-3PO is blatantly a derivative of the Maschinenmensch from Frtiz Lang's Metropolis. Something I constantly try to forget whenever I look at him/it because, unlike Hitler, that movie is not one of my favourites. And the whole thing is inspired by Flash Gordon anyway.
  17. And this is why I am not a fan of electronic gimmicks in toys.
  18. Well if they make VFs I can safely ignore them. Wake me when they start making Zentraedi ships and/or mecha and/or troops.
  19. If it actually looks like this once assembled it is comparable (in outward appearance at least) to the Bandai HMR.
  20. Some pics of Bioroid 3D prints posted by Ignacio Mendiburu Eliรงabe on Artstation.
  21. An aline queen. So her blood must be alkaline not acidic then?๐Ÿ˜†
  22. Those pics are great! And if your current camera isnt doing the model justice then I cant wait to see the results of the new set up.๐Ÿ˜Ž Oh and scince your first mentioned it here, did you come to an arrangement with Cap about producing the Gigamesh?
  23. Podtastic

    Macross figures

    Everything from everywhere is getting pushed back. I got notices from Amazon, Sideshow, Premium Bandai etc etc.
  24. Has Arcadia ever made any Zentradi mecha?
  25. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Now I know that's undoubtedly true but its still weird as hell. The Scout is the attraction for me, the Battroid is simply too mundane. I already have the damn thing so it will just be an unwanted freeloader in a two-pack. Those super parts don't impress me enough to fork out for a duplicate. (What am I saying they don't impress me at all.) I'd much prefer it if they paired the Scout with something else, like an unreleased Destroid. Or that DYRL Nousjadeul-Ger.
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