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Alex GS

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Everything posted by Alex GS

  1. it seems is now for October
  2. definitely getting one.
  3. oh freaking hell yeah!!, I always wanted one this but always stopped from buying one cause the issue of the breaking legs.
  4. you can still get the PO in AmiAmi: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-152655
  5. looking around in Amazon and this pop out not sure if this was post some pages back in this thread , it actually has good reviews ๐Ÿ˜…, very Jetfire and 1/55 takatoku look alike chunkyness, but this ko is made all of plastic. https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Well-Robotech-Hyperspace-Fortress-Skeleton/dp/B0C3WCZ3JZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=VQVHDG84DIYD&keywords=Happy-Well%2BRobotech%2BHyperspace&qid=1692279747&sprefix=happy-well%2Brobotech%2Bhyperspace%2B%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-1&th=1
  6. 100? nah, how about almost 90 bucks now ๐Ÿ˜„ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B23ZMHYZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. is back to 100 bucks if someone still interested, is a pretty damn good deal considering BBTS is selling at 170 dlls! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B23ZMHYZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. even lower now
  9. kinda sucks there is going be a delay but at the same time is a breather for my wallet ๐Ÿ˜„, well at least for me, today I fully payed for my Hi-Metal R VF-0D and later this month a soul of chogokin figure or figures will be release by Bandai, also this delay could be for a better QC check, so everything is cool
  10. Most of the bad reviews refer to cheap plastic, and kinda I don't blame them, putting aside the great designs still when you grab them you instantly feel how light the valk feels , this line have always raised an eyebrow for me referring to the high metal R description, where exactly is the high metal Bandai?, unlike the Metal Robot line from Bandai mostly for Gundams , still the figures is small but you can definitely feel the heft due to its metal structure content of the figure, nonetheless I like the Hi Metal R line due to its: one is Macross :D, second it has a great detail design, and has lots of goodies inside most releases, so pretty much I know what I'm getting into when grabbing a Hi Metal R Valk so is cool, I know Bandai could do better with this line I mean just look at the insane 1/48 DX Chogokin VF valks, those are stunning :D. Great price by the way for the VF 0S, would grab one but I just payed Ami for the Hi Metal R VF-0D a few moments ago alongside a not so nice DHL shipping handling fee.
  11. Im so preordering this!!! https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-157937๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  12. aww damn it , I was expecting this was a normal release, oh well
  13. The cyclone and the Alpha fighter look effing amazing, and the heights for each one of them are spot on, I hope those don't get an insane price tag *fingers crossed*
  14. the minute 2:27 solo fits so perfectly for Basara (very well edited video), sorry I'm very excited for this Vakyrie release
  15. Looks so beautiful even with low res pictures ๐Ÿ˜„, never had the opportunity to have the Yamato or the Arcadia one due to its high selling price, even the standalone booster is very effing expensive, so no way I'm skipping this Arcadia package release, I hope it sells fine enough so maybe just maybe Arcadia considers releasing the VF-19s and VF-19p as well.
  16. I kind don't think is a rip off from Arcadia the YF 19, I think Arcadia and Bandai did a great job in their own respective YF-19 designs, the Arcadia and even Yamato love the bulkiness of each one of them how they look in their three respective forms, for Bandai love how slick/lean an more anime accurate the design is, also Bandai don't have that gap between the upper leg and lower leg in fighter mode.๐Ÿ˜„ for the DX Bandai YF 21 in my opinion is now the opposite, the DX Yf 21 seems more bulky this time than the Yamato YF-21, the Yamato one looks more anime accurate and lean this time. Nonetheless I will try to get at leas two DX Chogokin YF 21 no doubt ๐Ÿ˜.
  17. the PO for the DX Chogokin YF 21 is closer for sure.
  18. wow sold out already for the DX YF-19 at the price point, it seems is indeed a hot valk, the YF-19 at least for me has to be one of the best Macross design Valks outhere and is good to see the love from this side of the world as well. in the meantime here is another PO for the link from eknightmedia website, is being a while I haven't bought from them but when I did I never had an issue with orders, the only thing you need to be aware of is the PO closure date, is pretty much guarantee your PO order if you get it before the closing date. https://www.eknightmedia.com/macross-plus-yf-19-excalibur-isamu-alva-dyson-use-dx-chogokin-action-figure-by-bandai-tamashii-nations.html
  19. Wasn't expecting a stand alone Masterpiece Optimus Prime, for me this came out of nowhere ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I just PO'd MP-44S at HLJ, always wanted this version but I just couldn't spend the high price of the one with the trailer, I just hope the materials or plastic are high quality and has some heft to it. PO links if someone wants one HLJ https://www.hlj.com/mp-44s-transformers-masterpiece-optimus-prime-tkt91904 AmiAmi https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-156604
  20. wow! not sure but at least for me is the first time I see AmiAmi doing this, what is this?, this DX YF 19 turning into a holy grail or something? ๐Ÿ˜…, I was planning today to get another DX PO directly from Japan but oh well, still thank you very much @borgified for the information.
  21. by any case somebody knows why AmiAmi didn't carry the DX YF 19 PO this time around?, not in the English site nor the Japanese as well ๐Ÿคจ
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