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Alex GS

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Posts posted by Alex GS

  1. 10 minutes ago, hoahuynh said:

    Ouch looks like I might miss out on this one.

    Update from HLJ, looks like it might be a repeat of the Kairos.


    Thank you for your recent order with HobbyLink Japan.
    Unfortunately, due to a server slow-down caused by extremely heavy, concentrated traffic on our site yesterday, we received more orders of the limited BANN55061 DX Chogokin YF-19 Full Set Pack than we expect to be able to fulfill, despite having set limits on the number of total orders, and number of pieces individual customers were permitted to request.
    As Bandai is intentionally limiting supply of the DX Chogokin YF-19 Full Set Pack, it has now been marked as "Order Stop", and we are currently assessing the situation, but at this time there is a strong possibility we will not be able to fulfill your order.  Any orders which will not be able to be filled will be cancelled shortly, and the affected customers notified. 
    We hope this notification allows you time to also seek the item elsewhere.
    Please accept our apologies for the unfortunate news and inconvenience to you. We appreciate your understanding, and your business with us.
    HobbyLink Japan Customer Service

    This is the same response I got but for the Aile Strike :( , lets hope for the best and Bandai is able to fulfill all the orders, in the end is more money for them.

  2. 26 minutes ago, anubis20 said:

    Cancel the extra orders and send them an email apologizing and telling them that you have cancelled the extra orders. They will lock your account for going over the limit. I had to do that recently with FIguarts Majin Buu and they didnt lock my account. 

    Thank you so much Anubis for the heads up, I just send an email to HLJ explaining what happened right after I read your reply, let's see what happens I hope my account won't get locked and my preorder of the Aile Strike remains there, I manage to get a PO YF 19 from AmiAmi that's why I also canceled the ones from HLJ . Let see how it goes :unsure:

  3. 1 minute ago, rdrunner said:

    Is Mirage's 31 not popular because of the colour scheme, or is it something else?  (I did not watch delta).

    wow. I presume you tried to order on HLJ multiple times (like many of us) and got the wave of order confirmations just now?

    Hopefully you can cancel the repeated orders and leave just one on the account to guarantee delivery.

    Yes that's what actually happened , a few moments ago I went to my HLJ account and a total of 14 orders were displaying a almost all Aile Strike and YF 19, I end up canceling all and just left with only 1 Aile strike , the YF 19 I manage to get it from AmiAmi.  So not sure for everyone but if I just canceled several ones maybe the Aile Strike and YF 19 will be re-available so the ones who didn't get any have an opportunity,  not sure.

  4. 3 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    You still can. What Paypal does on their end is if your balance is short, they will automatically get it from your secondary source. Which I guess is your bank account.

    You don't need to be afraid if your balance is short. Anyone can still preorder no matter how much you have. It's just a payment agreement on their end.

    If you're confused with the whole thing, read their FAQ regarding payments:



    Thank you Noel for your time replying, just a bit nervous cause I never bought an item from HLJ and I definitely want another source besides AmiAmi with kinda the same buying method for my figures, that new YF 19 is sure going to be hard get it, probably the main reason why this kind of questions hehe. :D

  5. 2 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    But make sure your account have funds since it automatically deducts the payment from your fund source. They don't send emails like they used to do before for payment. And that's the agreement is all about. It's basically you're giving them authorization to make a withdrawal from your fund source as a payment without notifying you.


    hmmm so the item costs Y10000 for preorder but my Paypal  balance only have  Y500 , can I still prerorder the item ? :unsure:



  6. just some quick questions, regarding preordering in Hobby link Japan .

    I just did a Paypal agreement with them I still never bought anything from them, so the thing is if I preorder an item , lets say it cost Y10000 the total price , I need to have in my paypal balance or debit card/ credit card balance at least that amount so I'm able to preorder the item ? or is more than enough to preorder an item from HLJ with only the Paypal Agreement ?

    I hope not being off topic, :unsure: 



  7. 32 minutes ago, treatment said:

    Guess what I mean is that they're quite gappy on that mag spread.

    from Jenius':


    I wonder if Arcadia YF 19 knee / leg gaps in fighter mode was a conscious decision or they just completely forgot that part it should be covered, I mean even the Yamato is covered up , nonetheless the Arcadia and VF 19 are the best ones until probably this new release. 

  8. lets see how it goes, not only the YF 19 will be available for PO but also Metal Build Aile Strike PO too, interesting night will be indeed, I hope I can get both :unsure: 


  9. 17 minutes ago, General Rasp said:

    Has Bandai released any information for this version?

    Seems like next week the Preorder will start for the DX YF 19 for general retailers.



  10. 1 hour ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Ahh... to be getting your first HMR.... so young! I remember what that feeling was like. Back when I was only 25.  *sigh*

    I just hope I don't like it because if I do (will certainly will hope not) will try to get all other HMR!  dammit! ,

    *suddenly my wallet start running off my room* come back you!, you ain't going anywhere fool!! :D


  11. 4 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

     might pass on the 19 ,

    i had 6 copies. 

    maybe 1 set for the weapons

    I have a: 1/60 Yamato YF 19, Yamato Double nuts, Arcadia YF 19, Bandai Advance VF 19,  and I'm definitely will try to get a PO of this one!, my favorite Valkyrie of all Macross :D 

  12. 1 minute ago, Scyla said:

    Isn‘t this the exact same mold as the VF-19Advance with some minor changes?

    Not sure , but one thing is certain it will get all the tampos/markings of the original YF 19 with no premium finish ridiculous prices. :D 

  13. 44 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    Hey Mog, according to bandai,  strike is going to be general release unfortunately. i'll see you pre-order night though!


    Yale Strike Gundam

    Release date: scheduled for August 2018


    ※ For general retailers April 27, 2018 (Friday) Reservation cancellation 
    (presence of reservation handling depends on dealer)

    I'm really excited it will not be a tamashi Exclusive, those items in the after marker get ridiculous prices but with a normal release  is way better imo, it looks like next week will be the preorder madness :D 




  14. 16 minutes ago, tekering said:

    At 217 grams, Sentinel's Mospeada "Riobot" is only slightly heavier than a Yamato/Arcadia VF-1 Valkyrie.  Diecast is limited to structural supports, hinges, and the thruster housings that extend from the wheel hubs.

    Thank so much for the reply , with the Yamato/Arcadia reference you just gave almost an exact idea of the heft of the figure ^_^, once again congrats for your purchase. ;)

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