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Alex GS

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Everything posted by Alex GS

  1. Sorry didn't put attention on the link description that US based, hope I get one in other local websites. In the meantime today finally I received my Aile Strike!
  2. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I think if Engineering goes probably the YF 19 is the winner here, somehow since the the Yamato 1/72 version they started to optimize the looks and transformation, then it comes 1/60 Yamato YF 19 when it started to get almost exact anime accurate, then Arcadia , then Bandai As you can see the image above the Batroid mode then Fighter mode are two separate worlds, from design wise is incredible how that robot can transform into that jet without scarifying its looks in their respective mode, in other words there is no almost no kibble in it, imo this can't be said for the VF 31 cause of its huge backpack of wings in the back of batroid mode, the VF 31 in fighter mode is indeed awesome but I'm not sure if the designers wanted to save a little in the developing area so they leave all outside the huge backpack of wings in robot mode. Don't get me wrong effing love both Valkyries but theres is no question for me the YF 19 is the best of all so far. There is another Valkyrie that is pure insane engineering that manages to remain smaller in fighter mode but a lot taller in batroid mode and almost kibble free, really awesome indeed too.
  3. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    For me is the YF 19 the one that I like much more, batroid mode is stunning , is incredible how it can display a strong looking robot without giving you the idea it can transform into an awesome jet as well, and vice-versa, meanwhile the 31's in batroid mode gives you a huge backpack sight thanks to its wings, while in fighter mode the 31's awesome looking doesn't give you any idea it can transform to a robot too. I think 31's fighter mode is the true evolved form of the 19's is just too damn good looking, some could think think is the YF 29's but I'm judging the models in how it looks instead of the progression of the model. Now where is that DX YF 21 Bandai ?
  4. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    After checking the clear cover of the Styrofoam that allocates the YF 19 I notice that the part the covers the antenna is not aligned with the rest of the cover. The separation of the antenna and clear cover is just some millimeters away from touching each other You can definitely feel the bump under this area: So it really no wonder why lots of users have been receiving broken antennas , with the minimum weight on the top of box there is a strong chance it will brake . So if you are planning to leave it inside the box be sure to not put nothing on top, I'm thinking of reducing the styrofoam inside the tray or put it below the tray parts, it leaves clearance and the top can remain totally flat , no bump. Seriously Bandai come on this is a serious QC issue in the packaging department
  5. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Went today to pick it up to the post office: No broken Antenna Still I think it has some stress marks , oh well. Is it me or this Valk is heavier than the Advance VF 19 ?, will have to open my advance to check, Overall I'm damn happy for my YF 19
  6. aww damn not sure to PO!!! what to do ?, what to do?
  7. Not sure where to put it so will put here New pics of the "Beautiful color Designed" Arcadia VF-1j 1/60 35th Anniversary edition: From Facebook Supreme Mecha Y18,144 , release date: 12/2018 Actually I'm starting to like it
  8. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    An hour ago I watched the Macross Plus Movie again(lost count how many times hehe) and for me at least I can say the heels are far more accurate to the anime instead the ones the Advance 19 has, in the Advance YF 19 fighter mode it may look a slimmer , and cool looking in fighter mode but in the batroid mode looks like to flat and not comparable to the anime , meanwhile the DX YF 19 looks blocky no doubt but it has way to similarities to the anime Macross Plus not mention it looks way better, this heels in batroid mode it looks it has a more strong firm grip to the ground.
  9. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    yep sounds like a Bandai DX Macross figure alright. When I read "transformation is too difficult" I kinda stop caring for everything else in the comment since you know this figures aren't meant to be easy to transform, they should know what are they getting into.
  10. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  11. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    for me the transformation of the DX SV-262 was one of the main attraction for getting that figure , so far I haven't transform my DX VF 19 and also haven't transform my Arcadia YF 19 only the Yamato one I have transformed, I'm just happy I have those beautiful engineered items, I mean just knowing and seeing how beautiful the jet or fighter mode looks and realize it also can transform into a robot that doesn't leave any remaining or make you think this was an airplane before is really something special, so knowing this for me is no surprising why the transformation in this figures have a very high learning curve, I'm pretty sure mostly everyone that goes ahead and buys this figures know exactly what they are getting into.
  12. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yes you are right , for one moment I thought this was going to be different , I saw the video a few moments ago and saw how some smalls covers where hiding the attachment of the head cover and shield, definitely forgot about this part and pretty sure other parts as well .
  13. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I see that the head cover in fighter mode is no longer attach to the shield I think, somebody can confirm this ?, in the Advance VF 19 it is a whole detachable piece (cover and shield) and the Arcadia one is just a detachable cover , I hope is integrated with the transformation that would be totally new for the YF 19.
  14. Aww dammit another PO Madness that I won't be able to probably get one, I hope AmiAmi had fixed their site by then so the horrible experience that was with the MB Eva. can be prevented. It looks so damn good! Images from Facebook Supreme Mecha :
  15. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    yep me too , will use my all extra points for some discount
  16. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    weird the page shows Preorders closed but in my order page shows In-stock in AmiAmi , imminent payment request ? I hope so I want it know!
  17. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Same question I haven't receive it yet, but also the way AmiAmi work is that until they have the item in stock they can go ahead and create the estimate of the shipping cost and finally send you/send us the payment request, another thing to know if AmiAmi had a stock but ran out the item page will change from "preorder closed " to "Order closed".
  18. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    DX VF 31 Packaging confirm!, love those boxes !, it greatly protects the figure , not to mention this one looks awesome the Macross emblem looks great , yes I'm excited for the box Thanks @SuperHobo for the link, beautiful pictures in there.
  19. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I think is huge very very huge miss opportunity by Bandai not adding that, but still is totally understandable why probably they didn't add that little gimmick and that is to maintain a reasonable price. Maybe they will sell later on the light up feature as Tamashi Exclusive for 100 bucks
  20. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Somebody knows if the fold Booster will have the light gimmick ?
  21. Alex GS

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    the tension and excitement is rising towards the release of the YF 19:
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