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Alex GS

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Posts posted by Alex GS

  1. 5 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    What's wrong with you people?! Open them! Let them breathe air. They're suffocating.




    4 hours ago, Saburo said:

    Thank you @Alex GS! I did a bunch of test shots so I can see  composition and fine tune my lighting and to try out various setups.  

    You should open the 31S and swoosh it around a bit. :D


    oh man decisions, decisions:


  2. On 10/31/2018 at 11:42 AM, Saburo said:

    Another hanger test shot of Arad's VF-31S.


    Beautiful picture @Saburo even for a test shot, makes want to open my VF 31S yep I haven't opened and I haven't opened my VF 31C  as well, yikes! 

  3. 36 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    All of these products are technically illegal for us to purchase anyways 

    Hmmm not sure about that, if those were illegal I think we wouldn't get our stuff from Japan so easily also I think there is a special Trade agreement with Japan well at least for the US so it also there's is no custom or other  taxes to paid in when the item arrives at the US, I mean heck I can received my AmiAmi item using DHL in just a couple of day, so how can this be an illegal procedure? , also there is an agreement with EMS and USPS, you can use EMS tracking numbers in the USPS site. So I really think there is nothing illegal going on here  unless you are trying to receive specific items, like flammable liquids , somekind of batteries, etc. 

    Sorry for being off topic here it just it really grabbed my attention :D 

  4. I wonder what  was the deal with this HMR  it sold out almost everywhere very fast! , not sure if there was this kind of PO craziness for other HRM Valks in the past. :wacko:  

  5. 1 minute ago, Roy Focker said:

    I want to go sleep now but I'm super awake from preorder madness.


    lol me too, I was sleepy as hell an hour ago but now damn!, screw coffee PO is like wth man! 

  6. 1 minute ago, Rein+ said:

    got 1 at amiami first time doing business with them. say... strange they dont charge upfront.

    Damn preorders madness sucks no doubt,  but once you get a PO from AmiAmi is 100% secured item well at least for me never had any issue but still don't try to cancel them or you can get the ban hammer from them. 

  7. 1 minute ago, seti88 said:

    Thats getting quite common for ami...as ppl tend to click again ti check if the place order was working....and ends up recording as 2!...

    So true I only wanted one, most probably will be selling one of those here in the Forums with at least 20% discount to encourage a fast selling.

  8. is going to be annoying as hell to see those  three little anime girls loading in each webpage refresh, I think those were added last week for AmiAmi.

  9. Love the box art of the VF 31F Movie Version , way better than the original imo :D , now I don't feel that bad spending for an exactly same valk hehe, this was actually an impulse buy.

    This image is from ebay seller, mine is at Post office ready for pick up. ;)


  10. 54 minutes ago, Numbninja said:

    i got one..used the free shipping, but i'm now wondering if that was a good idea...usps stressed me out

    When I got my Aile Strike from them I used USPS  no issue in the delivery, not sure why this time I choose priority mail probably cause it was 8 bucks only. :D 

    31 minutes ago, davidwhangchoi said:

    eknight looks to be sold out


    page is not displaying anymore. 

    Yep that's what it means when you no longer can find the item, were you looking for one ?, if so Entertainment Earth and BigBadtoyStore haven't put PO up yet, I have a strong feeling it will go up tomorrow. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, F360 said:

    hmm, I thought they don't charge until ready to ship..  did it get lost?

    Yes that's why I'm also confused, also probably the thing that it could happened to him is that when they are ready to ship your item you receive an email requesting the payment but also in that email there is a date that says  "If we don't receive the payment by this date ________ you will probably not get it due to high demand".  I received this message for my Aile strike but I requested if possible they could wait for me a few more days, I got a replay from them and so I got the few day extension, They have great customer support they answer your emails pretty quickly., 


  12. 1 minute ago, seanami said:

    The only time I ordered from eknight for the metal robot strike freedom, I never got the item and had to charge back

    sorry to hear that, I actually ordered also the Metal Robot Strike Freedom from them but I placed the ordered after the closing date and so nearing the released date my order was cancelled, received the message from them that they couldn't secure more stock , I knew I would probably wouldn't get my order cause they mention this on the item page Closing date segment , but when I preordered my Metal Build Strike was days before the closing date and so receive my figure as schedule last week.  


  13. 1 hour ago, Saburo said:

    Isamu striking the cool pose.


    Awesome picture @Saburo thanks for sharing, and this is why for me and other reasons why the YF - 19 is the best Engineered Valkyrie ;) , is incredible how this stunning looking robot can transform into a stunning looking jet, not to mentioned the superb Gerwalk mode!  

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