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Everything posted by Methrash

  1. Hi, I've made a purchase on AnimeExport and they've charged it twice on my credit card. I've been trying to communicate for two weeks and had no answer, neither from website nor the mail. I've opened up a case on PayPal which is now in evaluation but I would like to talk directly to AnimeExport, does anyone know where can I find a contact number/email? Thanks guys!
  2. How do you change the shipping option? I already pay for the order.
  3. NY asked me 3500 JPY additional fee for shipping.It was the cheapest shipping. scammers ...
  4. Methrash

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I have this: Is for model kits, Can I use it?
  5. Methrash

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Hi, today I received the package, broken antenna With what can I paste it?
  6. Figuras de Macross o Evangelion. Gracias
  7. Hola, ahora tengo, 3 metal build gundam, unas super parts de vf 31, y unas figuras de full metal panic. Te interesa algo?
  8. Hola gente, quería saber si había alguien de Argentina que esté interesado en intercambiar figuras.
  9. Methrash

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you
  10. Thank you
  11. Hi, Nippon yassan change the price of my pre order when I combine the item with other. 15700 to 25000. Wtf. Did the same thing happen to someone?
  12. Methrash

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hi guys, today ask for my shipment and magically change of state. I hope they send it.
  13. Methrash

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes!! (Ya pedi mi pack, espero se pueda seguir trayendo para diciembre)
  14. Methrash

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    Yeah, and Amiami want the invoice/label,I don't have it
  15. Methrash

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    Hi, no. Is a paint issue :/
  16. Methrash

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    Hi, no bubbles on the white. Only in the grey and blue parts.
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