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ZOR prime

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Everything posted by ZOR prime

  1. Where did u see that? I haven't seen no such news. I did see an article in Forbes,that Macross hasn't been released in its entirety across the world. According to an interview with kawamori
  2. Robotech.com is back. But that's all I will say
  3. New Robotech.com 2018 is here.
  4. Well their culture they worship a certain body part in Japan. Something to do with fertility,not a put down on them, they've been that way for centuries. Just normal for them. Check it out on you tube
  5. Fickle finger of fate award.
  6. the Japanese are big on nudity. They have been for sometime. I still enjoy frontier and yea Delta.
  7. sheesh all this ranting reminds me if another forum. Wonder which one.........?
  8. Yep, the full size meltrandie was cool
  9. Yep stand alone, Macross plus was really different.
  10. Yeah I liked Macross plus and frontier
  11. Yeah, that would be nicw
  12. part 2 Delta dunno bout dat
  13. Lol, appreciating the Fan's
  14. In almost every series there was a conclusion. Macross, Macross 7, Frontier, a few.
  15. Oh I see the gal with the long hair. I remember, not really a good conclusion on that series.
  16. Yeah I saw frontiers concert on YouTube. It was great.big crowd.
  17. Who was the Android? Was it the lead in Walker? The girl in the beginning was 3. Yeah not really a good ending,not even a decent draw.
  18. I do like the Macross time line, it shows the micronians and zentadie, going across the galaxy. No In macross 7 encore,it was strange. Mylene never did make up her mind. Between Basara and Gamlin? And the strongest women? Macross 7 plus fills in some gaps
  19. Lol yeah Delta was different. Frontier showed the zentadie adjustmenting to a peaceful life.
  20. Yep, even frontier wasn't that bad
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