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ZOR prime

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Everything posted by ZOR prime

  1. Lol yeah Like 49 episodes.
  2. Haven't watched them all myself,waiting for the newest Macross
  3. Yeah Gundam goes on forever
  4. Yep It gradually picks up
  5. Yep more enjoyable and you figure out what their talking about. Proto devilin in all that
  6. Yep guess yeah all 49 I guess plus the extras
  7. I love watching macross 7 again

  8. Oh no! The fierce zentradie
  9. Not bad Strange though
  10. I see it every so often
  11. Heh yeah she had a crush on nekki bassara. You really have to be a really good Macross fan to like it.
  12. Have they subbed it yet? And released it in the US?
  13. Yep from the original Macross till now. Ichiro Misa and minmei. Foker and c ok Claudia Max and milia till now
  14. I can put with idols ever since minmei in the Macross that's been the focus.but if it still has valks I can deal with it. I still watch Macross, and watching the Masters now.
  15. I'm still a Macross fan. That won't stop. And Gundam also.
  16. Whaaa! Marduk emulators again?
  17. Yeah I'm still a M7 fan. Nice to see the new series dubbed. One website has Macross dubbed which is nice.
  18. Looks like tatsunaka will be getting his rights back for Macross Mospaeda southern Cross
  19. Not holding my breath
  20. I'll just for the released subs Nice one site has a dubbed Macross
  21. Yeah it was strange,m7 plus gave us a brief glimpse of what was happening? But left me in the dark, mylene had to make a decision between Basara and Gamlin. And she never did The strongest women another renegade zentadie Fleet? So on
  22. Finally. Mutiple planets mega cruisers Modfied vfs Like Macross 7
  23. It connected to Macross M7 did well it showed the characters that continued
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