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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. you were dead on with this so early on back in the days. 100% agree
  2. wmkjr and tekering get it i should've thrown in: cousins get separated everytime. hey Noel, you're correct. it was a joke for the hardcore... movie sdf-1 was purposely designed that it can't fire in cruiser. it fired in episode one and each opening. within the sdf-1 main reactor, the energy converter for the main guns are connected to the fold system via energy conduits but after the fold system disappeared, they had to restructure the sdf-1 in order to fire them and could no longer fire in cruiser. if arcadia or bandai makes a TV version, it'll have a main gun mode in cruiser. (pre-fold) yeah, i would love a TV version JVmacross has been waiting for one a long time
  3. i got my yesterday and the stupid thing is the main guns don't come apart. some premium feature there. it's like it can't fire unless it transforms into a robot. that is so stupid. all those people keep getting sucked out into space and dying. what's next? a pinpoint barrier punch like the 19 advance? could you imagine this thing having that gimmick?
  4. i read it the same and had to re-read the post.
  5. nice man! i got mine yesterday but so busy at work didn't get to open it.
  6. thanks! i just got one this time. i wanted three but my budget is so low this month!
  7. yeah i feel a, i'd be very upset too. glad the figure is ok!
  8. very nice! you should throw in weathered hikaru to complete the look. the head is too clean vs. the weathered armor. i hope you're enjoying my former weathered hikaru. i kinda miss him
  9. fingers crossed
  10. Yakuza 0 on PC!!!!!!! for 17.99 https://store.steampowered.com/app/638970/Yakuza_0/
  11. whatever happened to the sv? 2019?
  12. do you know how TWE works? people staying up late for this, crazy.
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