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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. it's sold out on amazon, that's not second round amazon doesn't raise prices
  2. alright, now i'm really off to bed. another friend from discord discovering amazon shipped. credit: Silverhick from era discord. if you read this, thank you! kinda made it worth it.
  3. Amazon is actually 18000 plus 1200 yen shipping coming out to 19200 shipped. (have to add to cart) you should add includes shipping
  4. cdjapan now sold out ah dewpoint posted
  5. yep i read els where same thing. Nippon Yasan such scumballs
  6. i'm going to bed too, good night spanner!
  7. For Amazon Japan, you can't cancel after Nov 24th but anytime before it's ok
  8. yeah i was surprised they allowed it, so i posted it after ordering.
  9. crosses fingers!
  10. yep! shipping is 1200 yen for me amazon comes through
  11. wow shipping is cheap from amazon
  12. up on amazon Japan https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-約300mm-ファイター時-ダイキャスト-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07FVSX5BL/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1532675468&sr=8-3&keywords=vf-1j
  13. this is not in demand
  14. amiami still open
  15. one more minute
  16. ok sounds like it's adjusting to user time zone then
  17. i will check back in 30 mins
  18. they care now.... i didnt cancel anything and they still sent me a warning email that if a cancel too much they will ban my account.
  19. good luck airborne!
  20. i absolutely seeing this dx as a major success. i think it'll dwarf everything including the hi metal line.
  21. clear your cookies
  22. i think Bandai is going to absolutely undercut all Arcadia sales.
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