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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. it's the same person w/ mental issues. awe man no forearm cannon
  2. thanks! that's an exciting possibility
  3. does anyone know if this will have the forearm cannon?
  4. Noel, don't re-evaluate your life. just impulse buy everything! yeah, good point, i'll pre-order a set since i can pay later
  5. hmmm not sure i will get it then if it doesn't have the weapons. i thought it would as the advance came with fastpacks, i thought this would be minus the fastpacks with the addition of the weapon payload. nice! sold a few of my 19 copies back then: yeah i need to look and see if it has the payload.
  6. might pass on the 19 , i had 6 copies. maybe 1 set for the weapons
  7. Hey Mog, according to bandai, strike is going to be general release unfortunately. i'll see you pre-order night though! METAL BUILD Yale Strike Gundam Release date: scheduled for August 2018 ※ For general retailers April 27, 2018 (Friday) Reservation cancellation (presence of reservation handling depends on dealer)
  8. i was waiting for X-105. i'm so ready! it's coming with the Aile! now to wait for the other packs to release
  9. i need to update the thread!
  10. thanks for adding me archie! did anyone else after Scyla receive a shipping update? wondering if Nippon is still moving on the orders last night.
  11. edit: Noel already posted the video above
  12. hey b, did you get Stick and Rey? and how many of each?
  13. whoa! that's great news hear throughout the day NY is shipping more and more orders out. I kept joking that if NY doesn't send the 31A's by may i'm going to start fighting in the Max and Miria threads looks like we won't have to wait till May, crisis almost averted. congrats everyone who's got shipping notifications today
  14. and you have 2x premium Sdf-1 coming! yeah the doubles of Premium finish sdf-1 and the Riobot stick coming in for me are going to be killer .
  15. yeah i'm glad i got a double of stick. great looking photos. i hope there's a lot of positive reviews coming out (fingers crossed)
  16. that's good news, i hope everyone gets their orders shipped soon.
  17. Ooo nice! man, these 2x copies are going to set us back a bit but looking at the factory images and the labor put in it, this finish is never going to be reprinted.
  18. Thanks Airborne! I only got one... i was down funds that month and was only able to buy one late on CDjapan.
  19. Just got mine from Cdjapan via SAL W/ brown shipper
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