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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. holy!
  2. 6pm JST? pre-order cancelled again
  3. Seti and everyone ready tonight? see you 3am EST
  4. it was used during training trials. like some of the bombs included in the payload
  5. this reason alone = multi pre-orders
  6. Will the box say Macross Plus?
  7. pre order cancelled
  8. please help! everything this Thursday looks so good to pre order. my monies....
  9. screw it i'm going to get 4
  10. yeah man, so happy for this
  11. maybe separate bandai web exclusive? i'm happy the arm cannon made it in the main ad if it does include the fold booster and missiles i expect a high shipping cost for the weight of everything.
  12. yay!!!! arm cannon @no3Ljm you need to get more than one now
  13. nice! don't forget daylight savings edit: you already accounted for DST
  14. good luck! i'm sure you'll have a whole squad b, you getting 2? i may if there's an arm cannon =)
  15. i was asking for the same info last night, from what Sanity is optional, noel and Seti replied, it is very likely the arm cannon is included but we'll have to wait and see. Seti shared he heard on the podcast: they saw the arm cannon stored under the fighter normally where the gunpod is housed. that seems to be a very strong sign. i'm very excited for this release. if it doesn't have it, i may skip this pre-order and just got for two X-105's
  16. this is true. i've ordered stuff last minute from them and have gotten it quicker than those who ordered on pre-order night multiple times.
  17. i want that arm cannon
  18. awesome, i ordered a another! @Kuma Style i posted on your review on Haloid's discord channel since you guys know each other. i've been trying to convince him to get one, but after that review not sure he will
  19. yes! that's great news
  20. awe yeah Kuma style, will repost this for Haloid
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