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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. yeah i noticed that from the first promo with kawamori handling it. the wings are going to be a floppy mess. why i'm keeping my yamato's. it's not going to be a fun toy to handle.
  2. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    oh nice
  3. Happy Thanksgiving guys though i think this will be a floppy mess, i have 3 on order and will order 3x roy 1s floppy or not.
  4. So Lolicon wins Jenius loses jk, Happy Thanksgiving Jenius and Lolicon! i love how the thumbs up and thumbs down on the posts got it so wrong.
  5. the black looks horrendous... more like grey. i don't think arcadia is good w/ colors
  6. hey what's going on Shin! nice to see you came here to post amiami's news but it's been posted
  7. i brought some gamecube component cables....
  8. did you buy back your tooling equipment? that's great news! i thought you sold them off.
  9. don't want to get sucked into a debate but i'll leave this here for reference since we're discussing the subject:
  10. arcadia announce a premium 0D?
  11. i told you yamato v2.1-2.2 are best. arcadia = mold degrading jk, i gave up on discussing macross seriously on MW and just check for pre-orders. arcadia max had more hard point breakages reported than any of the yamato sets. i have to check my premium set boxed up. Metals Builds are where it's at now fo me. i hope Bandai makes a Metal Build VF-1.
  12. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    oh man, thank you! haha, i need to keep up with the hi metals better.
  13. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i didn't even know there was a nexx.
  14. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i got to start paying attention to this thread more... i slipping and missing this. maybe i'm too relaxed it'll be available eventually
  15. oof i hope everyone gets their orders eventually
  16. i came over here thinking 2018 is almost over. i guess this is not coming in in 2018
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