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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. that video has me so excited!
  2. maybe i need to see some more dynamic poses, chest and drooping shoulders don't look right. it looks like a brick.
  3. me too me too almost the same except i got one from amazon. 2 from amiami
  4. amazon shipped mine just now.
  5. so excited
  6. holy! more pics soooooo glad no frosted canopy
  7. i'm so excited! new vf-1's in 2018-2019
  8. damn... looks pretty.
  9. -b, how many did you pre-order?
  10. my friend on another discord discovered it first on amazon and i reposted it here. glad you were able to grab one on Amazon! yes, shipping is fast and dirt cheap. like Amazon with B&M stores in US, Amazon is taking over amiami and hlj for import business. i hope they don't run other import shops out of business.
  11. Yamato V2 = iconic
  12. very true! nah i wanted one of walkure to die even if messer survived. it would've made a better story instead of the traditional pilot death.
  13. i won't by these until they have special limited edition red tips. no sir!
  14. honestly, i wanted one of them to die not messer.
  15. anime is horrible
  16. was kinda annoying. had to turn down the audio. looks good in fighter
  17. i'm here too
  18. wow! i just saw this. bandai serious it doesn't come with missiles. now i know what the price was so low. i cant believe they are selling missiles.
  19. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    thanks finally got one!!!!!
  20. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    thanks Noel, i'll wait a bit, too much of a mark up for something that has not been released
  21. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    anymore places open up recently for a vf-4? i need to get one...
  22. Where is the new series? It's because delta bombed, thanks alot walkure.. you just ruined getting a new macross series.
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