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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. thanks for the review. looks like the lower fins may be better than the floppy dx 19 fins. i'll open mine soon to check myself. Thanks Mommar, just want to comment as i saw a dumb downvote for your impressions/opinion. I'd like to point out Mommar was the first one to negatively criticize Arcadia 19's ankles using ball joints vs. ratchet and ID's the problem as the ball joints were so small in size (corrected with the Vf-0) i recall "positive cheerleaders crowd" giving him flak for being so called "negative." Turns out he was right about those arcadia ball joint ankles. Not everyone will agree with everything, but in terms of joints and hinges. i'd take Mommar's opinion over majority of sunshine MWer's opinion any day hmm i need to open mine up but i had split looking like that on a yamato 1/60 VT-1 that i had to open up as there was excess glue that caused something similar inside. i don't if it's a totally different issue and don't know if the Dx Bandai thigh can opened up easy like the yamato 1/60 with simple screw driver. be careful and avoid forcing anything to avoid stretch marks.
  2. this is amazing. thanks for the reviews.
  3. You mean like this??
  4. nice mini review. lolol Happy New Year Seti!
  5. Rick Hunter went on a diet
  6. sir, you make me jealous (only till i open mine) My Jetfire arrived!
  7. whoa! just checked after @spacemanoeuvres post and mine is out for delivery too!!
  8. you too! that's awesome
  9. so true about arcadia. rips you off with tampos. damn, i need a set of the missiles but so tempted to wait... hmm. interesting. i need to dig out my mirage supers i'm about to order a set myself i knew bandai would do this, i'm so used to it after getting all the metal build attachments: - Avalanche exia weapons plus pack, you have to buy the entire 400 set to get that one extra sword attachment -Seven Sword GN Sword II Blaster. 40 bucks for a single piece of plastic!!!! http://us.p-bandai.asia/tamashiiwebshop/item-1000000917/ Stupid Bandai
  10. ^same anyone order those stupid missiles and get ripped off? 40 bucks for them... i can't wait till Bandai releases other vf-1's and forced to re-package the missiles. no way they're going to do an exclusive one and done with these missiles. They'll either pull a movie messer and then resell the attachments in a another form of packaging which will force plp to buy even more. like when they sold the nukes with 31J anniversary then repackaged them with Mirages fast packs. Bandai really using fear tactics to get plp to by 40 dollar missiles.
  11. i've been wanting that and moving intake covers for a long time.
  12. Wotafa's review is the best one out there by a milejust finished watching it now. Regarding the leg fins that broke off for one user that was posted by nightmareB4macross: looks like a big mistake for the bandai dx, the leg fins do not extend out in order to fold over for the GBP armor. Inversely the down side to this, the leg fins don't retract down as the 1/60 and can't sit flush on the leg. The fins float free being held only by the friction of the small joints on the fins.
  13. ah nice comparison to the chunky monkey, i was looking for a comparison with it!
  14. thanks tekering for the information. as i suspected all along. going to be floppy mess with the wing flaps. sucks to hear about the loose intake covers as well. now i don't even want to take them off
  15. hahaha, yeah true
  16. wow! yeah! have 2 from amiami as well. hopefully after the holidays they'll ship fast! i initially grabbed amiami then my discord buddy shared about amazon so i got one out of curiosity then came over and posted it on MW. i was going to go with SAL as well but it wasn't too much more for DHL for group shipping 2x. i already expected this to be fragile and floppy. i also can see the connecting piece to the swing bar to come loose over time eventually making it a permanent parts former.
  17. check out the vid that @F360 posted. there's side by sides with the 31 edit: also just watched the vid @seti88 posted, at the end the dx 1j is posed next to a 19
  18. for initial pre-orders amazon charged 18000yen no one looked on amazon till a friend from another discord posted it. (Macross valks were normally was blocked to ship overseas) he wasn't even a macross fan but into TF's but liked it bc it reminded him of G1 Jetfire. hopefully, Harmony Gold doesn't try to block this goldmine of a resource.
  19. great review! Amazon shipped mine DHL, that's insane for 1200yen i'm so excited to get this
  20. the shape of the 1j head visor and the more concave heat shield on the 1/60 looks better. otherwise, the dx looks like a winner.
  21. via Stonekeung01 Toysdaily mod From left to right: 1/60 Arcadia, 1/48 YAMATO, DX superalloy
  22. that video has me so excited!
  23. maybe i need to see some more dynamic poses, chest and drooping shoulders don't look right. it looks like a brick.
  24. me too me too almost the same except i got one from amazon. 2 from amiami
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