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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. anubis has my order i can't wait for him to open his while mine still at his house.
  2. oh okay, you're in the same camp. i someone posted a link when they re-opened and i double checked the limit before ordering a second.
  3. it's a proxy
  4. i ordered a 2nd Rey at hlj but only got charged for one and in warehouse. the other order is still unfulfilled. i was sure it did not say one per customer and let you order an extra. hmm...
  5. question for beagles owners: is the beagle a more sturdy toy than the riobot?
  6. hey guys sorry to hear that happened i hope the coupons you all received are put to good use
  7. oh i'm excited. since my order is with yours
  8. so true
  9. i'm kinda disappointed this doesn't come with batteries for the fold booster. after all the money i paid, i expect better. Bandai just robbing us. i'm also disappointed in the type of plastic used is subject to inflation. back in 1960 this would've been 15 dollars. Why does bandai do that? Why can't they use plastic that doesn't inflate? i'm also unhappy with the tampo printing. it's too much, they need to have less printing like arcadia's. Bandai doesn't even give us a premiumless option. Last, i'm very unhappy they included everything in a full package, I not sure what bandai is trying to pull here by making everyone happy. They're so tricky. The one thing i was happy about pre-orders were 5am EST in the morning, i love having to work right after as well! /s
  10. looks like it's only gift option:
  11. lemme check and fake order something. be right back
  12. archie, CDjapan had a option to declare as gift that was new to the order checkout process. were you able to see the pre-order opening? they were open for a while i believe.
  13. funny i was just looking at the tan color
  14. i only went for 2 this time around as it's a repaint of something i had 6 copies of back in the days. but yeah it'll hit me pretty bad once i have to pay combined with Strike. yeah man those wallet pics you and Noel put up tell all
  15. seti, they'll most likely have the correct colors for the release. the link treatment posted most likely will be the final colors. i just hope the spelling will be fixed.
  16. yeah last night was pretty easy bc CDjapan stayed open so long. the Metal build was hard to grab. previous vf-19 advance i ordered 6 copies and it felt about the same as last night.
  17. congrats anubis20
  18. i tried but could not check out amiami
  19. beautiful pics Treatment
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