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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. the black looks horrendous... more like grey. i don't think arcadia is good w/ colors
  2. hey what's going on Shin! nice to see you came here to post amiami's news but it's been posted
  3. did you buy back your tooling equipment? that's great news! i thought you sold them off.
  4. don't want to get sucked into a debate but i'll leave this here for reference since we're discussing the subject:
  5. i told you yamato v2.1-2.2 are best. arcadia = mold degrading jk, i gave up on discussing macross seriously on MW and just check for pre-orders. arcadia max had more hard point breakages reported than any of the yamato sets. i have to check my premium set boxed up. Metals Builds are where it's at now fo me. i hope Bandai makes a Metal Build VF-1.
  6. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    oh man, thank you! haha, i need to keep up with the hi metals better.
  7. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i didn't even know there was a nexx.
  8. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i got to start paying attention to this thread more... i slipping and missing this. maybe i'm too relaxed it'll be available eventually
  9. i came over here thinking 2018 is almost over. i guess this is not coming in in 2018
  10. i'm curious what's going on with Arcadia? it's taking pretty long to get this one out... i hope this is not the last new mold they do.
  11. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    you're not a true macross fan
  12. yeah i did see the conversation being a little overzealous. honestly, i playing it now and it feel just like a typical rockstar game. it's pretty good though.
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