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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. this part here, lower left corner of the pic is the most amazing gimmick. the head laser mobility. i'm getting this.
  2. nickel and dime, nickel and dime don't forget the missiles you need.
  3. hmm i guess i'll have to skip this release. i got one pre-order night but gave it to anubis, and decided only to get one if i can get an extra. saves me money avoiding another anime series line. i had 3 on the first round an cancelled them all. i hope this is not a another wing zero where i'll regret it later
  4. i had 4000 points and 600 points were going to expire 5/1, so i put it an order for a decent discount.
  5. up on CDjapan, just placed an order http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-337318?s_ssid=e463d65cc91971b735
  6. got 40 dollars in points at CD japan and would like to use it towards this
  7. is CD japan going to offer this?
  8. yeah i heard the first release amazon did not ship to the US as well. nice congrats on the shfigurarts. i'm trying to grab one for anubis, since he has to work early.
  9. up for pre-order at AE http://www.anime-export.com/product/43922 34960 Yen
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