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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. then the evil Cardassian is still alive too?
  2. i really want this but all these new announcements. damn... what to skip and what to buy
  3. Ooo i think i have this and char both ordered thanks to @F360 and/or @anubis20
  4. Holy Shoot! this looks amazing
  5. i prefer my fists grey/black. why did they copy Bandai crappy color
  6. uh it did. duh? there's 3 modes.
  7. what's kind of crappy is the head looks the same
  8. FINALLY!!!! i can get rid is this Hi Meta; piece of crap
  9. it's kind of old now... been waiting 4 years to drop.
  10. Shops are stealth closing pre-orders everywhere, no one seems to have pre-orders open anymore except amiami
  11. oh rad, it come with it's own Spike figure. i'm so in then.... now to find the lowest price plus shipping combo
  12. i'll be disappointed if they don't deliver since there was so many opportunities after commiting to them of pre-orders offered at many places.
  13. damn now i want one... the weathering looks nice is there a same scale spike figure that fits in this?
  14. they charge you for the tampo. payment is in the form of missiles
  15. Nippon Yasan is your last hope, since this was a p=bandai jyp web exclusive not meant to be sold overseas, unless you live in Japan warranty and replacement request will have to go through import shop that ordered it,
  16. i wonder if finally now they will complete the Sentinels series. been waiting to see what happens with the SDF-2
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