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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. Kuma, i just watched your review, the poses are great and you described Lolicon's work on your reviews, nice. great lines
  2. if you ever get into em, i prob end up selling one my extras to you you are a great customer/collector. love your displays and how you go all out. haha
  3. i'm going to display all five boxes sealed
  4. i'm glad they are widely available for everyone.
  5. my 5th Max is waiting at AE
  6. Perfect transformation, my butt, look at this thing fall apart at the swing bar.
  7. look at those crooked head lasers and reaction missiles put on incorrectly
  8. one of my copies just arrived in the mail.
  9. i got the CDJapan we'll give you 10% discount reply. lol
  10. i will, hope we get ours taken care of by CDjapan
  11. i e-mailed CDjapan, i have the same defect on my ankles.
  12. i'm opening mine as soon as i can. CDjapan has helped me in the past. hopefully they can if i find that same issue.
  13. I use a mop. jk, yeah i do what whitestar does.
  14. Agree, it was specifically made off-white. unlike the vf-1. i love it and got 2 premium finishes.
  15. Reading all these problems, this is horsesh!t. Paying near 400 and these problems on a 2nd version of design
  16. i got mine today too.
  17. i wonder beyond the no steps what other tampos are included. a red anti U.N. Spacy tampo would be fine
  18. So when will the premium finish come out? i'm looking forward to mine saying A.N. Spacy on the legs.
  19. i need this
  20. when is CDjapan going to ship? i've been waiting too.
  21. my man! you were so on point with this post. the hi metal leg super design followed this scene while arcadia's followed another scene as well as the color scheme for the boosters you got my respect to post this after i posted, btw, i was just joking about Captain Obvious, don't take my sarcasm seriously. i respect Jenius' reviews but he at times makes unintelligent comments so i will answer in kind with a dumb answer, most people who always kiss his butt will blindly follow and try to jump in. but it'll go back and forth between us. been like this for years, i mostly ignore it. but once in a while it'll happen from time to time. to comment why i originally was disappointed the head was the same. one of our long time members @anime52k8 4g had a head that was damaged in the face chin area and i think there may have been another with the same problem. and i commented they could have improved on the head design. yes! liked your head design as an alternative! please show it off as there's many new members on MW now.
  22. this is hot! i can't wait for it!!
  23. are you Captain Obvious too? that wasn't the quote. read before answering please. and no. it's not the established colors. It an interpretation. and companies can choose what they want and don't want to follow. clearly you're not going to tell me you didn't see Arcadia's and Bandai's Max and Miria colors on the Supers?
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