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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. vf-1a Skull 011 will be unicorn. i called it. no one will be able to obtain it.
  2. yeah, nothing on steam for me either. Touhou Luna Nights is great but i already have it.
  3. yeah, i linked it thinking you might be wanting to upgrade your old gen. Metal Gear Survive $9.99
  4. @mikeszekely https://slickdeals.net/f/13748000-new-google-shopping-customers-8gb-nvidia-shield-tv-4k-streaming-media-player-130-more-free-shipping?v=1&src=frontpage
  5. Bandai'd should not be like Arcadia's Vf-0A legs. i hope this isn't going to be an issue with these. mine are all boxed up atm to check.
  6. agree, and the design is pretty much straight rip off the 1/60 supers. minus the inner micro missile and leg armor details. but the detachable skull emblems and excess (made up) tampos are a nice touch.
  7. i want to try kojima's game but waiting for it to go 9.99
  8. Noel's back! Welcome back from the trip
  9. i never use the protection. maybe i should one time. my shogun rank ran out... i'm now back to normal peasant rank agree. though i'm glad they have the changing skull emblems. that's a good move by Bandai
  10. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/12/17/introducing-the-dualshock-4-back-button-attachment/
  11. when will they do a proper front mission?
  12. Must've been lost when they Space Folded to pluto.
  13. dammit, i wanted this to be perfect not arcadia quality
  14. should plug this here too since it mentions Akira
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