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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. this reminds me of the early perfect grade gbp-01 with the hanger deck. not much pose ability but looked like a nice display piece.
  2. nice! congrats on getting one. seems really hard to get. now i want one...
  3. oww this a thing? i don't think any sane person brought it. it's prob the scalpers. test: did anyone order and pay for one? (pay upfront) here?
  4. i don't get it. aren't perfect grade gundams 1.60 in scale, what scale are metal builds?
  5. no valk and all these strike packs.... what to do...
  6. I'll prob wait for Roy
  7. bandai so stupid
  8. fighting to buy parts for a valk i don't have an order
  9. Bandai is doing the math. "We only going to print 1200 valks each... why are people ordering 20,000 strike packs? let's help them out and put an order stop!"
  10. you know what would be crazy? we all misinterpreted the translation and everyone lands multiple perma tampo'd hikaru strike packs.
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