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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. i need more vf-5000
  2. wow, $50 is up there. @seti88 seems like you're the only one with the Rakuten poster. if you ever frame it, post some pics. I'm still waiting for CDjapan proxy to ship my copy. (i ordered late though so i expect perhaps sometime this or next week) been looking on Mercari prices are slowly creeping up on the first press limited. i see the summer 84 badge going for 46-50 by itself.
  3. dm'd but replying in case others have interest. I have multiples of 5 but off loading 2 as i don't need as many. perfect straight antennas and canopy's. Everyone who's brought from me on MW know i don't open my stuff and it's MISB. Only opened these and the VT-1's to inspect to reassure Q/A
  4. wonder if there is a vf-5000 on display
  5. Which bonus items or poster did you get? I really want the Rakuten poster seti recieved.
  6. someone pls buy my 21's i brought too many
  7. ah nice, we then have 5 confirmed that got the A-on Store first press limited editions: Powered Convoy locidm Shawn myself sh9000
  8. i have the releases so far. just be careful if you buy in particular, the VT-1 as a few had broken wings out of the box. all the other releases are solid. Probably the most expensive will be Kaki movie sealed, and tv roy sealed is getting up there.
  9. ah, nice! i'm guessing there's about 4 or 5 on here so far that ordered the limited A-store special. Powered Convoy locidm Shawn myself that seems like a decent number grabbed the special.
  10. nice, i like the amazon and rakuten posters
  11. so how many members on here got the limited A-Store/theater first edition with the acrylic stand and 300 page book? i know most of us got the deluxe with posters. I want a poster too but will sacrifice it for the other goodies.
  12. https://otakumode.com/shop/67a197686e547e001ed5113f/Decoction-Models-Armored-Core-Rayleonard-03-Aaliyah-Mirror-Finish-Ver looks great! 449 at Otaku
  13. Macross 7 in Gundam terms was comparable to Double Zeta. Starts out with ridicule like ZZ and a slow burn in character development. The build up and payoff at the end is great, M7 series is one of the most rewatchable out of the Macross franchise. I can't say the same for Zero, I'll just fast forward to the battle scenes and stop after.
  14. I went through CD japan via proxy later as my original order fell through. thankfully it wasn't too much more than my original order. if it hit's 7700yen on amazon again for the regular deluxe this week, i might bite since the yen to usd is very favorable.
  15. i'm jealous. still waiting for mine to ship. tempted to just get the normal edition to hold me over.
  16. Check the buy and sell section on MW, you may find a good deal
  17. NLScavenger from blu ray.com here's his comparison with the actual 4k film and his review:
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