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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. the guy that gets exclusive toy review units directly from arcadia is asking Bandai Spirits if Macross Toys will be released in the US. https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2021/04/09/the-decades-long-rights-battle-over-macross-and-robotech-has-finally-been-resolved/?sh=20254b7e1ad8 I have also reached out to companies like Bandai Spirits to find out whether their extensive toy and model kit lines for Macross will also be finally released globally.
  2. trending on twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=Macross&src=trend_click&pt=1380312185545625605&vertical=trends
  3. i can finnlly get clash of the bionoids on bluray uncut
  4. Bandai spirits USA sells metal builds here, hope we get the same for macross items
  5. Still waiting for my dyrl english subs
  6. ah, thanks for letting me know. going to avoid them
  7. Hey, this is from a while back but wondering if this site you ordered from delivered?
  8. if Kawamori inversely had a Walkure member die with deathflags in stead of a pilot Kamame Buccaneer would be skull leader type Freya Hikaru "main hero boy falls accidently into mecha" type Mikumo Guynemer, Max "Ace" type Makina would be Kakizaki. cheerful support type Reina i guess is Luca tech support type and I would have Kaname Buccaneer as the leader of the group would traditionally die after she gets served jellyfish and/or Makina when she was in critical condition. Messer should've lived so his 31F resale value would be higher.
  9. should have never died, they should have killed off one of the singers.
  10. yeah i hope they also release an 0A, i sold off my broken leg repaired one that an MW wanted to display mainly in plane mode. I really hope it's weathered.
  11. i brought just 2 this time as it almost near 800, didnt want to pay 1200 for 3x amazing sea salt weathered colors. i hope they do it for roy
  12. the 0d weathered is the best thing arcadia released by a longshot. im very dissappointed the 19 weathered was cancelled.
  13. damn... i hope your shipment makes it before the summer
  14. it takes so long
  15. happy to report my roys order in Dec from okiniland arrived by boat today safely with some metal gundam items grouped together.
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