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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. yeah, i know the feeling of running out of closet space. I had to use outside storage bc my closets are full. good luck with thinning out your collection!
  2. okini land has been good to me so far. thanks for the link! tempted now to get one...
  3. my collection It's all in brown shipper boxes in storage, recently moved and finally going through them today. somewhere in this storage room is the complete 1/60 vf-1, frontier and delta lineup. half the bandai's vf-1's are at home. going through them and thinning the excess, (selling off my extras)
  4. awesome review on mp skids. Nice Mike, all these comparisons brings me back to my childhood g1's and ones that i missed on. I never got any of the enemy movie g1's (scourge and cyclonus bot modes looked weird when i was a kid so i skipped em) so it's nice to see them in the comparisons
  5. darn i never used the power up card i had for 0.001% percent discount
  6. going to be that bad eh? I'm hoping for a miracle and this movie will be better than Macross SDF-1 and MacF The Kairos does look good though.
  7. i ordered one on amazon Japan yesterday morning (there was a restock) but decided to cancel it and going to wait a bit before deciding to get it. Might have to fish the secondary market for one and a super if the movie is hype. (once i get a chance to watch it)
  8. still waiting to see the movie before i decide to buy it.
  9. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09NRJCPW3 pre-orders open now Astro City V on amazon now
  10. when does the new show/movie release on tv? i want to watch before preordering
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