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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. i recently moved so it'll go temp in storage till i find a bigger space i like the darker blue shade better on the 1/60 yamatos vs the dx pics
  2. my friend over lunch started laughing out loud in public when he saw your post cause i was getting him into Macross at he randomly scrolled unto your post. i actually don't have any of my macross with me as i moved recently for a job and left my collection across the country in storage. hopefully i'll ship all my stuff later this year once i find a larger place to settle in.
  3. nice!!!!glad it's hefty in size omg bandai just trolling without even disguising it anymore i swear they gave us an ugly shield on purpose and have no shame to offer another shield hours after the release. couldn't even wait a month or two.
  4. i ordered 5x from hobby genki, shipping was 8,000yen by boat and 16,000yen by airpost 21,800yen by fedex 26,000ems to the US looked cheaper than BIJ
  5. This a good valk? I dont remember anything from Dynamite.
  6. don't forget the 1D with the fan racer!
  7. which valk are you getting first?
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