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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. Macross is for winners, forget the girl unless she sings my boyfriend is a pilot.
  2. I'd get the 1J combo if you want a valk and armor. it's a good value. If you want collectability, the first release stand alone 1j is worth more than the armor and 1j combo combined. TV Roy has a modest after market price bc Bandai did a big print run due to the popularity of vf-1s skull leader. I have 5x copies of Roy but only have remaining 2x 1j first prints (sold one off a month to get the combo armor 1j and also brought an extra stand alone armor pack by itself. given by my purchases, if i didn't have any: knowing myself, i'd get roy TV first. but the best value is the vf-1j combo. if i had to choose for myself having 5 roys already, i'd probably would now get a 2nd armored 1j combo set over a 6th roy.
  3. That's because Lina Park is the evil step sister of Luna Still faithful to your ex get over her, she's dead
  4. Luna Park sounds like a kpop group, sounds better than Slave's ex, Nippon Yasan.
  5. that is like one piece paper, Luna Park trying to keep shipping costs down. I think i feel safer with ebay store sabrinaskimpy, they at least used an extra piece of tissue paper on the outside of the box
  6. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i gave up on the HMR and sold em all a week ago. but now i want the vf-0s and tomahawk. the 1/60 0s scaled is about the size of a 1/48 vf-1 so i can imagine 1/100 vf-0s size being like a 1/72 vf-1 kit.
  7. hey long time Mecha! I'm closer to Philly, in NJ but moved down from Bergen. Missed going over your place when you were in Jersey City. You still in Queens? Yeah, i only recently came on last week bc i finally got out my macross stuff that i had in storage. I'm still on the fence for these new AX lines but still waiting to watch the delta movie before going in for a pre-order on a Mirage
  8. remember the hlj clearance for 75usd a yamato valk? sal shipping for 12-14 bucks? those were the days 11c ,11b and VT-1 were dumpster shelfware that no one wanted. now they're like grails.
  9. They may reissue roy down the line but going by Bandai's history it may take up to 3 years or can be earlier if they come out with a special package like the armor vf-1j combo which is a reissue of their first valk packaged with the armor parts. But it's only speculation in terms of how long it may take but bandai has reprinted Macross valks in the past. Macross frontier had several reprints of their popular valks. (took 3 years though to reprint em) Roy is going for very decent price in the secondary market so it may be good to look into grabbing him from a 2nd hand import shop.
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