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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. I would say that those who got the full set release before Bigwest and Harmony gold reconciled were hardcore dedicated fans that imported valks. But to the common fan who watched plus in the US probably did not stay up 3am EST to pre order a valk that lasts 1 min. the Wwm releases were not for the hardcore base that most likely stay up for pre orders at import stores but for the casual fan that may have watch macross plus. im going to guess that the 21 is going to be the same as the wwm 19 release. and it’ll be just the diehard base that missed import pre orders that take the majority of the sale. domestically, at this price point with sales tax, this is going to be a hard sell. Unless bandai ships low numbers for domestic retailers, i project it’ll be the same as the current 19
  2. not sure... Do you like white painted landing gears.? If white landing gears are not your thing, avoid.
  3. yamato shipping (hlj quick pack) came in this morning. valk is going to sit in the box for a bit.
  4. mine is coming in Monday. good to have a yamato valk.
  5. i need fold booster bandai! make it light up too in special mechanic edition like yamato
  6. I will start another macross plus watch after securing a pre order to keep me interested so i dont cancel.
  7. no, it was just a dollar or two cheaper than fedex or DHL. i just wanted to try it since it was a new option i never tried before. it said 3-5 days so hopefully it's fast.
  8. Got shipping notification using Hlj quick pack Yamato service
  9. if you can afford to it may be worth. alot of people like the option of pay later with the option to cancel in case this valk bombs. i personally may pay for one upfront and keep a spare on order.
  10. this is a good deal with the current yen to usd rate. easy buy for me.
  11. me too. just had mine shipped 3-5 days
  12. i hope the yen rate doesn't get strong vs. us dollar or we're going to be in deep trouble in June.
  13. I will have to buy macross plus blu ray with this
  14. 38500 yen!?!? over inflated price in for 1 or two maybe...
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