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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1252771883
  2. What’s funny is Luna comes on Macross world to assure ppl and then it goes back to this. kinda unstable customer experience.
  3. Bandai waiting for mechanic edition to fix these
  4. you know this red orange debate reminds me of the fan racer. i thought it was orange. apparently bandai dx thinks it's red.
  5. it's free on gamepass also PalWorld is free too
  6. spanner is back! hope you get back into getting a decent size collecting valks.
  7. anyone pre-order the chogokin freedom from p-bandai? i'm passing on it. i'm out of MB game but may get one or two here and there. Might get a metal structure at somepoint though.
  8. i thought the freedom 2.0 was to help the old freedom catch up to the strike freedom's improvements. If we get another strike freedom, i think it will sell like hotcakes. when selling my entire metal build collection, strike freedom and soul blue made me the most money.
  9. Hmmm 🤔 i ordered a few but on the fence.
  10. yeah, that's pretty much it. they use a proxy. As @F360 posted, they sometimes middleman TWE japan exclusive items. But BBTS are not consistent and do not order every TWE release. It's hit or miss... especially for Macross. BBTS used to carry alot of Yamato valks back in the day illegally, but when Harmony Gold went after US retailers, BBTS hid the macross links and they couldn't be found using the normal search engine. Glad to help. Thanks guys for the multiple likes for the last post appreciate it.
  11. is this the high speed mode? i think the yf-19 high speed wings look a little better...
  12. Not sure if you're responding defensively to user opinions complaining on BBTS pricing or posted one retailer listed it to prove a point that I am incorrect and you are correct. ok, you are correct if that makes you happy to post it. I hope you understand that during pre-order night reading your post of wanting to wait for US stores, it sounded like it may not have been clear to you it wasn't a WWM release. This was to HELP you and others, not to prove a point. Pre-order night is very tricky and windows last very short. I responded to your post not to risk waiting mistakenly for US stores while opportunities for good prices at solid stores on pre-order night at Hobby Genki, AE, Nin Nin, BiginJapan all passed by very fast. As you can see BBTS is not worth it and it wasn't worth waiting. luckily Nippon Yasan 2.0 still has some in stock available in the aftermath so we all win and hope you got your pre-order secured. I hope we all got pre-orders in at a good price.
  13. what i meant on pre order night was to give a heads up this is not being officially carried in the US like WWM releases so dont wait for US distribution as it won’t be carried by retailers. bbts is randomly using a proxy to import it from P-bandai japan and doing a markup, (scalping) better off getting it from a place with a better rate such as nin nin or nippon yasan 2.0
  14. who that in the background? Major Focker or Misa with Kaifun?
  15. I need arcadia make the rest of sound force please to go along with fire valk
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