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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. This will be our first domestic warranty experience with officially legal Macross merch from Bandai in the USA... I'm wishful Bandai will cover damaged items and take care of their customers.
  2. i can't wait till US retailers gets theirs in. Want to see how many lasers are damaged
  3. Bandai... please send replacements to U, S and A.
  4. the only time i recall bandai sending out a replacement part was for the re-release of the yf-29 alto which had a tampo error on the shoulder. i do recall getting a replacement part through amiami. since this is a world wide release, i do expect/(Hope) they will send out international replacement parts
  5. damn i have two copies on order w a US company that will arrive later than import orders... not a good feeling with multiple reports
  6. This is some grade A bull.... Bandai... Bandai.... now i have to break my misb like I had to do when the 19's had those reports of broken head lasers.... I hope where i purchased it from has a good damage return policy
  7. 100% guarantee bandai planning to rob us and put out a package for the yf-19 weapons and a fold booster for both 19/21 with some yf-21 exclusive incentive.
  8. I'm still curiously excited to have it in my hands even though i know it may go the way of the SV-252 which just sits in a dark corner bc it is not fun to handle/transform.
  9. This is why General Galaxy lost funding to the 19, they were all bandai engineers
  10. @jvmacross is on the money for market value. So I agree with him. Just specifically, for Arcadia and most Yamato items, the boxes were never sealed so buyers will not make a fuss as long as the item is mint. for boxes that are taped sealed for bandai collectors will care more. Mandarake always lists package damaged but you have to look at the photos. Most of the items I received from them had pristine boxes and they will put up photos and specifically mention if the boxes have a crushed corner or any tears with close up pics. Fyi, it's really hard to gauge for the 0D premium since YAJ has only one sold recently and not much data, (I have two copies never opened myself) but i've seen a few go for 600 on ebay second hand earlier this year but couldn't find a record of them in sold listings when i checked. I would've took the Mandarake one instantly if i was in the market for one instead posting it here. (it's sold out now btw) most MWer members will look at Mandarake first to gauge what they're willing to pay before looking elsewhere. anyways, good luck on your sales!!!
  11. Just so you know the VF-0D premium as of 6/23/24 11:50pm PST is being sold for 70,000yen on Mandarake (about 430 USD using google yen to usd conversion) (shipping DHL is 5400yen) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1264554173&ref=list&dispCount=240&layout=1&keyword=vf&lang=en
  12. If you like J-rock, this is a good band, first song in 4 years.
  13. i'm getting ace attorney investigations physical copy.
  14. Not sure about Indonesia but it's a USA retail release. Multiple US retailers that don't offer proxy service or imports already have them up for pre-order.
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