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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. you going to transform the 262? i think if i ever do pop it out of the box it's staying in fighter.
  2. i love your pics slave, you should post some of the 31F
  3. those are beautiful, makes me want to crack open my sealed valk
  4. looks like my post disappeared, i need this hikaru 1j box, glad there's thread about it i need one with a flip lid http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44693-wanted-box-for-yamato-160-hikaru-vf-1j/
  5. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    hell with that i'd wait till pre-orders open again too, good move.
  6. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    initially they had reasonable shipping charges, 14 for one box of hmr effect and 20 for 2 boxes which i ordered. then they jacked up the prices on shipping to double the amount for each. i've seen this shady practice on several chinese sites so i'm not surprised. Robot Kingdom did that too for items in the past. just glad i grabbed it before they jacked it up. it's still on it's way so i'll post it once it arrives.
  7. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    i grabbed 2x from Loopaza and immediately they stealth jacked up the price on shipping. from 20 - 46 shipped for 2 sets. i guess they realized how hot these are and raised the price on the shipping end.
  8. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    you know what is hard to find? those HMR missile effect parts for the vf-1. they're expensive now.
  9. i have stuff at private warehouse but waiting for the yen to go up some more
  10. will do, i have amiami's and cd japan's shipped SAL and getting hlj private warehouse prepped
  11. do you like X-men? not sure if you're into collecting comics.
  12. paid for my 5th 31F going to ship it with soundwave and star scream
  13. damn....maybe i need to sell my doubles
  14. I need some side covers for the 1/48 armor too
  15. i remember selling my rare 1/48's before i left Macross World and got a fortune but that was 2 years ago. i just remember those 1/48 boxes are expensive to ship unless you find the perfect size box. i say to ask JVmacross he knows the market well
  16. wow, that's some skill
  17. they changed it last second to 4am EST... it was initally 16:00JST i got in with the exia weapons plus and don't know why but ordered the red frame.. i"m so tired...
  18. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

  19. thanks! myswell just buy everything and hope i can eat.
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