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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. haha thanks! how long did it take to paint the tiny hikaru figure he looks so great in there.
  2. all the modeling section here is nice. i got the clear kit with the yamato angel birds. i need to commission it to someone. amazing detail on the figure
  3. thanks! yamato DYRL valks are produced in an off white grey color tone that is no longer being produced by arcadia, so i grabbed a dozen of the yamato 30th anniversary editions with all fixed shoulders to hold unto since he's my favorite.
  4. Yamato 1/60 VF-1J Mass Production........49,000 JPY https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g214838901
  5. that is beautiful
  6. picking up another roy, i only have box shots as you know i love boxes and posting the whole group so far:
  7. i can tell you put in some work i remember i loaned EXO money to help him buy a Form 1 printer (he paid me back). i do remember him making this kit, i'm curious if he used the form 1 or went with Neptune Survey to 3D print, but i know that took alot of work to make, damn... you got some serious skills. i can see why it'll be hard to justify the lancer since you already have a nice build. 2 seconds of screen time is more than enough hehe at least for the VE-1, after seeing yours, i'm kinda regretting not picking an arcadia Lancer. arcadia make an ARMD-01 too.
  8. damn EXO got some serious skills creating that!!! derex, thank you for sharing, amazing job.
  9. ok cool, i think i saw a place that had edit: gx-71 crap! GX-72 for cheap if you needed it.
  10. oh yeah that looks nicer than the protoculture city box, great! thanks a ton =)
  11. did you get the re-release? BBTS alerted they're getting Dragonzord in 10 days
  12. Hey derex, i'd love to check it your lancer did you post your build in the modeling section? i'll try and dig around but haven't been in that side for a while.
  13. hey Darotower, in case you missed the link i shared, not sure if you have Prime but this stuff is quality at a good cost: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M02ASVX/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it'll very collectible for the next person if i ever give up the collection =)
  14. oh wow! megazone might happen
  15. thanks JV thanks for letting me know, i'll pm you anyway, it doesn't hurt to take a look.
  16. hey thanks! i got a few arcadia type kits boxed, (yf-19 super parts and sdf-mini/protoculture city) but just curious what the package will look like.
  17. oh damn... these prices are getting up there.
  18. cool! if you guys get it or build it, either or... post up some photos of it.
  19. anyone have this crappy hikaru 1j i need his flip lid box
  20. hey hkj711, i'll keep a lookout for you. i see him pop up once in awhile. i know the weathering versions don't come up too often. did you see ChristopherB's sale's thread? i know it's taken already but he had a roy weathering up for grabs a few days ago. if i see another roy weathering, i'll pm you if you're interested in a Hikaru 1s weathering let me know, i seen one available.
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