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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. will do! hopefully i don't notice any of those crazy bubble looking clear coat marks when putting them on
  2. argh my shipment that was to arrive today got delayed to Friday. i guess i can wait for those 31J packs. pretty excited!
  3. hope you're enjoying them for your ever growing collection
  4. i'm so in. real jets please. no CG planes and i'll be so happy Iceman Speaks on facebook:
  5. anyone get there 31J super parts yet? mine are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. i'll try to post them when they come in.
  6. i saw the lancer box picture on the recent purchase thread. but want to give a big shoutout to you for building and painting m 1/60 yamato fan racer for me can't wait till you start on the Lancer
  7. hope the 2 reported 31's are just a fluke.... i need to check mine!!! Noel, please share what kind of custom you're doing!
  8. haha, i think you're leading me to splurge for 5 =) you trying to customize Messer? oh man... i was just talking to mzhao3 while dropping off a valk to him and it sounds like this imprinted bubbles is an issue. i think i need to check my valks.
  9. oh nice that's right you got 4x 31J, i guess you may spring for more 31J with his final episode colors yep! biginjapan, should be here Wed, i'll take a pic then! yeah, 2 sounds like a safe bet. i still need to place the order thanks for the notes. as for shipping at Nippon Yasan, i agree with no3Ljm, many can't wait after getting payment requests. i didn't order my packs from NY, but i do remember a funny story where i ordered at Nippon SAL and they shipped early while another pre-ordered before me and paid by EMS but NY delayed processing his order. my SAL came about the same time as the person's EMS shipped bc of the delay in processing that NY does and not go by the orders taken. it was kinda messed up. there was some douche who always bragged about saving on slow shipping speed w/ no insurance so i didn't want to post it and across rubbing it in. hahaha, i might go for 5 or 3 but you're not helping will do i'll post a pic with the brown shipper box opened =)
  10. nice! F360 you can battle it out between Messer, Keith and Seabook!
  11. thanks airborne, and i'll see if i can join you in the music thread yeah, i'm worried it'll just close tomorrow i been thinking about 5 TBH but thinking about if it's worth it. i never mixed but do have 2x 31J supers coming in this week so i can try and put them on a 31F. i'll post a quick iphone snap with it when it comes in/ haha yeah i think that was the logic to get 4 to play it safe before finalizing on a final number. but now i that i definitely have 5.... hmmm 3 is great! damn how many 31F super are you getting Sandman? wait! you're the current king of multiple valks, (i unofficially give the crown to you) btw, spanner how many you getting.... did you mention you like the 31J more? thanks guys for the compliments, it's good to be back on MW among good company
  12. hey Airborne and Seti, as promised here they are... now... to figure out how many supers. F360 recommended 3 so i think i'll stick with that
  13. i just put stalkers and people who post annoying things on ignore but seriously, i think the complaints are valid, though i don't really have a complaint against NY for shipping fees or delays myself. i dont think it's negative but helps everyone share with each other what's going on, there are people who paid high money and expect the price to be honored. people pay for higher shipping speed and expect it to ship on time. i do remember complaining about NY years ago but i think i'm ok with them these days. i'm not too happy with hlj padding with large grouped items at the moment and rather go with NY
  14. yeah, you took the numbers right out of my head. (amazing stuff F360) i got (5x) 31F's coming in so i always think of multiples and Biginjapan is usually the fastest to ship and cheapest speedwise.
  15. thanks for posting the comparisons. i as mentioned for express shipping, it's cheaper to ship BiginJapan than NY for combined shipping (express if i wasn't clear) as long as it's more than one piece. if i'm not in a hurry i'll go NY and go slow but for stuff that's debuting that no one's ever owned like the super packs (which is the first) i'd rather do express bc of the excitement.
  16. hey noel, i really think biginjapan is overlooked and underrated bc Ny has lower initial sticker price but it comes out cheaper using express combined shipping if you buy more than one @ biginjapan. maybe next time we should post shipped prices side by side for people to compare
  17. Guys if you're buying multiples use biginjapan
  18. Post some pics!!!!
  19. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    I got a sumner request from amiami for the Spartan.
  20. i got my shipping confirmation and tracking for my 31J super packs just an hour ago from biginjapan
  21. just pm'd you. it most likely will, the prices last year was at a decent range and only recently in the last 6 months these yamatos starting creeping up in prices. like i can't believe how much the arcadia vf-0s goes for...
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