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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. gotcha, now i need some time to play it! pretty excited!!! Ooooo perfect timing for these customs
  2. what's going on b good to see you posting =) but i need to open it to feel that factory tissue paper those KO's better have that tissue paper "shakes fist"
  3. i'm pretty upset, how dare anyone question or complain about arcadia's box choices. you should all be grateful we even have these toys. if it weren't for arcadia yamato toys would be extinct. don't ever question them again! those who go KO's are not true macross fans and don't care about supporting this fragile franchise. they are self centered and greedy for not wanting to pay scalper level prices. Screw Harmony Gold, -Old School Macross Zealot
  4. i'm pretty upset, i will not support arcadia any longer. i will not tolerate this type of cardboard. i'm going all in on thievery and going KO. at least WILL have laminated cardboard. the nerve or arcadia! at least yamato web exclusives HAD white boxes with laminated cardboard. -entitled thief.
  5. how about another Gundam Seed Metal Build? seems like they don't like church of yamato or Shinn and SEED Destiny... we haven't one in a while. like destiny anime, bandai's so original and never seems to rehash anything with new markings.
  6. yeah i was coming to post the same, took the words out of my mouth.
  7. thanks for the pics Lolicon. kinda wish it waas fully tampo's in the yamato off white DYRL color...
  8. i'm going to get a region and rgb modded duo soon to play off my CRT so i'll probably pick it up. so scrambled valkyrie is already English? good to know
  9. Yo, JBO i heard the super famicom is a decent shoot in itself aside from macross games. is the pc engine one 2036 a better game? there was also 2 other macross game for pc engine right? one was a strategy battle game. hey Mike S. i was meaning to respond sooner but was out hosting freinds memorial day weekend. i'll shoot you a pm buddy! did you mod you snes by cutting off the little nubs in the cart slot? hey Mod dave, what happened to your games you were meaning to pm me, if you still have them, shoot me a pm so hikru is right in the middle of max and miria. i saw a fans translation on ebay but passed on it bc i wanted the original... but curious if the repro translation is any good.
  10. i want a psp go! for retrogaming been hunting for one: hey retro peeps, just got this in today, going to be my first time playing it:
  11. oh more shots nice grab! Messer actually looks good next to the 19. the scales are not 100% especially for pilot sizes and they're different companies.
  12. just got in, oh wow lots of new pics ok i'm going to keep mine MISB in brown shipper box till i'm ready. you need to grab Messers supers! more pics for Noel!
  13. thanks Seti88 saved me from having to rush some pics late tonight! Noel what do you think? does the underside look good?
  14. Hey Spanner, nice pic! i think noel want to know what the fastpacks look like on the 31F, i haven't got mine in so maybe if you're feeling friendly you can help Noel out?
  15. LOL will do! i'll get in late friday /sat morning from work. so i'll post it then buddy
  16. whoa! you got it, thanks for posting pics and your feedback. i guess i don't need to hurry now we got a user review in.
  17. that is a good deal! after proxy fees and overseas shipping it's about 320 shipped (depending on the paypal conversion on a given day) damn that's a deal
  18. wow! Captain America is coming out of retirement. any newcomers reading: buy this, i got one and the kits are top notch! david
  19. it's totally worth getting at least one bc these were hard to come by in the past, maybe they'll produce a million but it's still a nice valk'
  20. damn those are some really good deals, especially the 21500 one. i remember that was the price i paid for mine at launch
  21. how about: some enemies steal F-4 Phantoms and call themselves Vipers and all of a sudden few F-20 Tigersharks come out of hiding. apparently they were grouped together so radars couldn't pick up the exact number. i really hope some cameo to the F-14 happens. James Cameron had two built Harriers... why not get some tomcats for top gun 2?
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