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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. oh you should get at least 3 too =) what's up airborne =) long time. i'm still looking for some arm pit covers for that 1/48 armor i sold you thanks seti for the welcome back! i think spanner might take that crown speaking of spanner, hey! long time! i posted this in the other thread: i asked Danguard Ace a few years ago to de-activate my account as just wanted to lurk. He told me to talk to EXO if i ever wanted to re-activate it. a few weeks later, i just told EXO to perma wipe the account so i don't have the temptation. fast forward a few months ago, i needed to sell some stuff but MW wasn't allowing registrations for maintenance. I just signed up a an account to sell some stuff =) spanner, how many are you getting of Messers? that will be amazing to see! kinda reminds me: i'm not sure how many messer super parts to order =/ i'm definitely in for mulitples
  2. that's a nice grab with those rainbow tinted canopy's hey Loop, thanks for the welcome back! yeah man long time! thanks for the info. 5 posts is so low... =D LOL, now we can talk here as well as text. hey Lolicon, weathering special master =) i asked Danguard Ace couple of years ago to deactivate my account as i just wanted to lurk. He told me if i ever want to get back on to just talk to EXO since we call/text often. A bit later i just asked EXO to perma wipe the account so i don't get the temptation to post. (it still says guest over my posts) anyways. fast forward, needed to sell some stuff but MW's site was closed to registration so i just waited till it opened. i need that angel bird =) (posted it early this morning in the wanted thread)
  3. anybody order more than 3 messers? i got 4 incoming and might pay for one more. this thing looks hot!
  4. yo F360 =) just trying to get enough posts to sell stuff as i asked a mod to be perma wipe my old account when i asked to leave a long time ago. how many posts do i need to post a sale, 30?
  5. My 3 favorite Macross toys: 1. VF-1S 1/60 Roy everything. This is an amazing toy that i only dreamed of when i was looking for Macross kits in the 80's. i would look at Forbidden Planet, Books Nippon, Yohan just to finda variable kit. I have like 10+ roys indifferent variations in this 1/60 line. amazing. 2. the sdf-1 1/3000. sculpt, colors, details are top notch. Really great seeing the customs ppl built on this. 3. VF-31F Messer, the skull emblem is well done and looks like it doesn't rub off easy. i have 4 paid for and 1 more awaiting payment. My 3 least favorite Macross toys: 1. VF-171 didn't even bother to open mine and sold it to Bee, the shoulders broke off. 2. YF-29, i had 7 of these and sold them all off. it looks too busy and didn't like the aesthetics. 3. YF-30 the missile pod in battroid looks so stupid.
  6. what's up Noel? thanks for the friendly welcome =) anubis20 is gave me his pre-order so i'm waiting too....
  7. Hey! what's up Macross World, thanks for opening back up registration Good to be back! I need to sell some stuff. see you on the boards =)
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