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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. i'm curious if it's detailed in an issue of Macross Chronicles or somewhere if the either the VF-19 or VF-22 model Max used in M7 had the capability for high speed mode though it wasn't used in the show. Macross Frontier VF-19 advance was still capable of high speed mode. As i recall, Yamato/Arcadia only released version 3 YF-19 with high speed mode but never updated the fire valk to a version 3.
  2. is this thing capable of high speed mode? will the wings retract?
  3. most likely Chronocidal imported his Michael which at the time was not a WWM release in the US. Gundams were licensed to sell in the US so bluefin covered yours as they have been sending replacement for bent antenna's for the USA brought YF-21s.
  4. i did that and got the armor valk combo nice, with the yen rate as it is today, i think it's worth it for 2,000yen more. i do need the square box micro missiles though. I reckon Bandai will be more greedy and re-release the strike packs to include the square missiles if they decide to do a repackage and perhaps include the mechanic parts that pretty much copies Yamato.
  5. wow this is dirt cheap. 20,000yen!?! i hope all vf-1's going forward are this price point.
  6. love afterburner OST my favorite Yakuza P. A. music when shopping
  7. nice! thanks @no3Ljm I hope all future releases going forward carry missiles.
  8. are they including missiles in the box with this addition?
  9. but that's not the case. Amuro died. Char died, just because the show is inconsistent doesn't automatically imply Newtypes can't die. the correct critique is the entire 6 episodes set up the newtype ability foreseeing danger. Newtypes died in battle by superior newtype ability or sacrificial acts such as Quess saving Hathaway, but not as some random NPC
  10. great band. they never used it till Tom's vocal chords were damaged for various reasons and been using autotune now that he's past 50, nice
  11. bandai, sucks... meh, the tornados were where the show lost me anyway. The supers needed to be jettison off the 25 for atmosphere flight in episode 1 like the VT-1 did in DYRL. I liked that they kept the physics from DYRL and SDF-1 series. Then they let Alto fly around with these crazy tornado parts that are more massive than the supers. (droopy wings) MacrossF just threw away common sense and never looked back.
  12. will the revival fix the drooping wings? they really sucked
  13. congrats airborne💯
  14. ah thanks! it's the canon fodder 1a
  15. Which character is the one in between Skull 001 and VT-102?
  16. Everyone in the US, going forward, pls buy domestic when the option is available so Blufin covers us for the valks that are legal to be sold in the US to minimize risk. It's probably going to be a rip off vs. buying overseas but better with peace of mind. Regardless, we are SOL with sdf-1 macross merch such as the VT-1 and p-bandai exclusives as we are forced to import all SDF-1 related valks since they are banned for sale by US distributors. Bandai, the masters crappy factory Quality Assurance checks.
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