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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. Ozma VF-25S sealed is going up near 25G prices. get em your while you still can. Ending auction prices are 30,000yen on yahoo and 28000yen on mandarake. the beginning of summer they were 22,000yen for a sealed copy. the Armor? forget about it.
  2. another rainbow valk?
  3. i have pre-order using a promo through amiami for 18000yen, not sure if i want miria with the premium coming.
  4. see these guys are sneaky. those p-bandai web guys are releasing them a little at a time. i'm not biting!! edit: there's 10 total, i put six in my cart and there's 4 left. ok i just deleted them.
  5. i honestly want to order multiple with the flat rate shipping. i dont think it's worth it just for one order. i got the half off shipping with the launch of P bandai america with avalanche and the red frame. (why do i keep buying everything???) i need some self control and going to not check out. (i so want to)
  6. shoot the wing zero is still in my cart i tested it and still can check out. lol for the Premium SDF-1 i ordered one through a friend, i'm think about getting a second premium may through Nippon Yasan or HLJ.
  7. this is how they make us panic. i was about to pull the trigger but stopped myself, i need to use the funds towards the SDF-1
  8. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    very nice thanks guys for the info.
  9. nice!! Half Life 2 writer posts Episode 3 plot online: http://www.marclaidlaw.com/epistle-3/
  10. damn just for that sword? thanks for the info -b!
  11. how did you find the 33 fedex price? i can't seem to find it on the site.
  12. Breaking: Yakuza Kiwami 2 leaked!!! Release: Dec 17th 2017
  13. i'm still on the fence but that's why i was thinking boat as an option =) one fast and one can take time getting here as i won't need both at once. ok, thanks for the on the weight of the yamato. maybe i'll try From Japan for a possible second. still weighing what to do.
  14. yeah, i'm not sure how accurate that quote is but biginJapan is also quoting 5900yen for EMS, 5300yen Fedex for the normal SDF-1, i hope that's the case as i plan to get 2x.
  15. that's what i'm doing. i forgot how much it was to ship over the yamato sdf-1 back then. but i thought it was definitely less than 8700yen EMS. in terms of the boat option, i prob will try it at some point but for this it's risky in terms of length of time for the high price item. there's less risk, the shorter the days in transit. i may get a second. but may go hlj if i can group it with other things as i want their customer service protecting if anything goes wrong. but that 4000yen price is tempting... i was really thinking about it.
  16. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    darn, i was hoping it would be after discounts. roy was about 100 bucks before shipping and that was without the discounts.
  17. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    this one will be under 10000yen right?
  18. good to know, i was thinking of doing it one day. i have it ordered through a friend but just curious how many have used it.
  19. anyone choose the boat option from nippon yasan
  20. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    just ignore it, several users don't respond bc it's the same stuff over and over. as for the VE-1, i do like it but i hope there's some more tampo like on the Yamato VE-1.
  21. hopefully they don't jack up prices like for 7S
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