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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. another pic of it: not my cup of tea:
  2. wow what a rip off yamato
  3. this one will be non lottery. web so it'll be easier to get
  4. i want this =) please sentinel! go further than rey. i want yellow's micro missiles
  5. anyone have this?
  6. screw Lady M, she's now making clones
  7. no such thing i think it was 230 after shipping,
  8. Passionate Walkūre, please have MEsser, waiting for Armored 31F
  9. thanks for the link F360
  10. i just woke up and see all the prices. i guess i'll look at the yen rate today
  11. i'll pre-order tomorrow morning, no point of staying up late.
  12. damn, that was the post of the night! repped you
  13. wow! thanks!!!!
  14. i'll show up either tonight or tomorrow. but no worries, this will be open a very long time with unlimited ordering. it won't be limited at all as the other releases bc it's being released through bandai shop "made to order."
  15. this bike is so realistic. like the parts that drive wheel forward attach to the leg side of the knees to give it power.
  16. the mold is degrading. they have to come out with fixes to compensate.
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