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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. damn.... missed it
  2. thanks for the update
  3. Very cool to see this.
  4. any pre-orders with missiles? Going to eventually proxy but want to see any others offer it.
  5. It was released on Capcom Home Arcade as the first official home release. The long awaited port release was on something that no one really wanted.
  6. Nice! it has the brownshipper box. I wonder if the USA retailers will have the brown shipper included. Ozma 25s is a great valk.
  7. damn... no missiles
  8. just satire, since they were worshipped by a few defending them no matter what they did. i hope the Tread with the missiles is offered at more sites.
  9. loool, i'm honestly guessing at the factory the new print white isn't consistent and Bandai already quickly smashing together a Frankenstein valk with old and new parts.
  10. We have TV white, what's funny is the backpack hinge is still the old color
  11. where is nippon yasan when i need them?
  12. Bandai reprinted Hikaru Vf-1J for the 100th time as the Metal Build Exia. Max 1s DYRL will come once they decide how to distinguish Roy's Dyrl from the TV version. I think they already started with the TV only hands and missiles packaging with the recent hikaru 1J. i would expect a DYRL package with micro missiles and dryl hands will follow. Bandai's out for money and Hikaru DYRL 1A was the worst seller. I would guess it's lottery P-Bandai. i doubt there's interest with Roid's SV-262 but then again bandai did a Bogue variant so Roid may be realistic. Aisha 19 or Mei 27, Bandai will not be doing any video game character based valk soon esp since Macross is niche market and they will first pump out all the mainline anime variants first. DX M7 lineup: the easiest would be Bandai to make money of the yf-21 mold, I could see a VF-22S and the 19S/F since the KAI is displayed.
  13. damn i want the store exclusive missiles. crap...
  14. Since Bandai has a rep of releasing repaints of the same mold, we know to expect at least a DX VF-22S as well as docker's 19 after the Kai. I thought the yamato VF-17D was the most expensive and nicest looking toy for a while. I'm not sure if Bandai will best it. A Bandai vf-11b or c would be nice to see. I do hope Bandai does commit to making the M7 line robust now they're done releasing the Macross plus toys.
  15. Thanks for your opinion. I know you're very familiar with the series. Black friday has a sale for breaker for switch and ps5, i ordered the switch as i would like some portable option to grind. I sold my steamdeck or I would've brought the pc version as that seems like the best choice. ps5 has more clarity but i can't take it on the go.
  16. with this fire valk, it gives M7 fans the hope that Bandai will make the entire fire bomber DX lineup. ....or they can wait till arcadia does the 5000 and steal the design
  17. @mikeszekely is Gundam breaker 4 for switch a good game?
  18. at least you get extra missiles
  19. I sense Bandai is getting ready for DX Roy VF-1S DYRL edition with items to set it apart from TV 1S, -square box micro missiles. -DYRL Roy pilot -and some exclusive that sets it apart from TV edition. (maybe throw in some mechanic strike parts) Interesting to see they are distinguishing the TV hands and missiles on this 1J, another way Bandai gives back a little while setting up a market for a DYRL edition.
  20. Edit: Found Max VF-22S using high speed mode I'm going to take a leap and guess all the VF-19 models are capable of high speed mode.
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