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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. is this still on CD japan? i see the add to cart button still
  2. i prob cann hlj down the line
  3. kinda have 3 now amiami, hlj cdjapan. i might drop one.
  4. no you're safe as long as you cancel the double
  5. yeah i has some points there so i used them. also if you use credit card they do not charge until it ships
  6. what? hlj has strict cancellation policy?
  7. i believe they do that on purpose
  8. there won't be one. until it goes live
  9. darn i wanted to skip this one. but i guess i'll get it.
  10. standard dyrl paint scheme do have a modex on the wings
  11. agreed, i didn't like putting stickers on top of a black line. it makes the white look blue in the background of the numbers. the vf-1 has the black line cut with numbers tampo'd without the black line, here's hoping it'll look just as good
  12. i'm worried about the same thing: google translate: "In addition, regarding the marking place of "301", we are making an image with a sticker for convenience of sample preparation time. Actually, we will cut the background black line on which "301" appears, and perform a dump tampon with only the number "301". that gives me some hope
  13. deadline for premium finish vf-0s on arcadia's stie is 2/23 update blog on the tampos http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12354339773.html
  14. so disappointed with arcadia. nothing new for WF.
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