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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. i'd just get a super nt at that price point, can do all that and more
  2. yeah you got some treasures. they're worth something now =)
  3. i had mine NY paid for but realized i combined it with max, i guess it's not shipping
  4. b, are you looking for stick?
  5. i have 1 Stick on order at CDjapan 1 Stick and 1 Rey at HLJ
  6. wut? need a custom made visor now. have them both on order at cdjapan and hlj
  7. another ebay code @F360 and all https://pages.ebay.com/promo/2018/0327/7427.html
  8. noel i need to use this on other forums. well done!
  9. thanks noel, hope NY ships, i know i had to message them as i had a super part sit for 2 months!!! once i e-mailed they shipped it. thanks spanner. lolol i like the might be hit by a bus example
  10. thanks @Kanedas Bike, i'm happy that they had one in stock as i ordered really late and grabbed their last copy.
  11. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

  12. my order finally shipped from cdjapan too.
  13. davidwhangchoi

    Hi-Metal R

    does this come with weapons?
  14. yeah mee too, but it's good to see you still active spanner. thanks -b, appreciate it. i do have a 31A coming so i'm good, but i wish i did nab an extra. lol noel, get spanner to buy some MetalBuild's. it has diecast i'm still waiting on CDjapan... hurry and update pls i need that 31A
  15. yeah, i haven't been on lately, been on discord which is so much faster response so everyone's i know is there. i check over here every few days... but here on pre-order nights. @F360 be doing good with the gundam alerts. i remember you, me, gakken, @spanner, @no3Ljm, @505thAirborne, @Loop and a few others used to post so much in the toys section every single day. i should be on my 12,000th post by now if i include my old account man! it's good to see you. if you ever sell one down the line, i'm pm'ing you in a heartbeat before it hit's the bay i wonder what happened to Gak? he kept things going...
  16. Hey b! long time! good to see one of my good friends still around i'm jealous you got your payment request already. did you get doubles or triples? i only got one this time
  17. anyone get anything? i got a ds game. i was looking at wing zero but too pricey i'm so mad i skipped it. i screwed up big time.
  18. what's up Noel and Spanner! if it doesn't come in April, i'm going to go berserk and start fighting people in the Arcadia VF-1J thread. i can't wait!
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