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Everything posted by davidwhangchoi

  1. edit: Noel already posted the video above
  2. hey b, did you get Stick and Rey? and how many of each?
  3. whoa! that's great news hear throughout the day NY is shipping more and more orders out. I kept joking that if NY doesn't send the 31A's by may i'm going to start fighting in the Max and Miria threads looks like we won't have to wait till May, crisis almost averted. congrats everyone who's got shipping notifications today
  4. and you have 2x premium Sdf-1 coming! yeah the doubles of Premium finish sdf-1 and the Riobot stick coming in for me are going to be killer .
  5. yeah i'm glad i got a double of stick. great looking photos. i hope there's a lot of positive reviews coming out (fingers crossed)
  6. that's good news, i hope everyone gets their orders shipped soon.
  7. Ooo nice! man, these 2x copies are going to set us back a bit but looking at the factory images and the labor put in it, this finish is never going to be reprinted.
  8. Thanks Airborne! I only got one... i was down funds that month and was only able to buy one late on CDjapan.
  9. Just got mine from Cdjapan via SAL W/ brown shipper
  10. the visor looks great in hideo's photos. i like it now
  11. kinda wanted to see your gunpla works, but me too, just metal builds at the moment.
  12. hey Noel, do you gunpla these days or just collect metal build?
  13. i'm excited for this. got two coming
  14. there's hope bandai is sending a whole fleet. i need another
  15. i'm excited for this bike but scared, hopefully not many breakages beautiful pics
  16. did you buy it at a high price? those things are expensive now
  17. thanks ArchieNov for the impressions!
  18. if you need a set of wing of light for the destiny, i have an extra i may sell.
  19. yeah pls let us know about the visor
  20. it's Yakuza Day today! i'm waiting for my copy in the mail!
  21. very beautiful pics. i wasn't even aware they were nuclear in the series or movie until reading up on it, i kept thinking Rick Hunter and company wasted a bunch of warheads on a bunch of decoy battlepods i do wish Max and Miria came with red tip nukes
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