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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. looks like their are new pre-orders on BBTS gx-39 machine robo baikanfu http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail gx-40 Raideen http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  2. its not he that they should put blame on . besides is it real or just a way to stir up the crowds?
  3. very likely but if the 1/48 ve1 and vt1 and vf1d come out then
  4. glad to hear the news . Now that its confirmed will it come with a bunch of accessories or am i going to have to buy 2 or 3 different versions? and there better not be any QC issues .
  5. yes and no. the inner body is die cast . the head shoulders and so on are all vinyl/plastic so its more of a kit. it includes double sided tape to keep the upper arms , fore-arms , thighs , and lower leg from sliding up and down. the head fits onto a ball joint and has some movement. the fists and feet also attach to a ball joint . See the pic and check post 512 of this thread I like the figure. as far as die cast content yes it doesn't have a lot. but the figure does look nice and its one i dont mind picking up on a regular bassis b/c i cant tarnish any metal and its fun to play with
  6. for those that are interested HLJ has posted a pre-order for the next version of dynamite Gohkin Mazinger http://www.hlj.com/product/OHT00096
  7. that looks sweet.
  8. if they make a bad flick and it loses money great . i'd expect them not to do it again, lesson learned. however if hollywood chooses to take a reasonably good source material and turn into a lackluster film then that something that consumers shouldn't buy into. however its not like you get a refund if you don't like the movie. your money is gone and whether the film breaks even or exceeds expectations is based on word of mouth . essentially after some unlucky person has already paid their money.Oh and I don't really listen film critics i go with what i think from seeing a trailer and what my friends think of it after they've gone to see it , then i go watch.
  9. that looks wicked
  10. I got the getter set today and opened up the ingram 1 & 2 pretty cool figure. my friend has my camera so no pics I really havent tested out the pose-ability of the ingram but its heavy and looks great. and nope still haven't opened the zanbot ....hold on .....well the ankles dont really move around , he can tap his foot , but ankle movement is limited. overall its a cool figure i imagine its the same as the 1st release. not that i know what that was like
  11. i still havent opened them yet hopefully tomorrow i'll get a chance and post pics i wasnt aware of any issues with the ankles on these. Hmm something to look out for. sent you a pm about some other stuff
  12. i understand wanting to market a movie so that the widest audience can see it and of course make the most profit but making a "dumb" movie (arguable) doesnt guarantee profits either. so what if its pg or pg13 that doesnt make a movie good i dont remember the exact words and all but Disney recently announced that they would stop making those crappy sequels to their classics line Cinderalla 2 and Lion King 1 1/2 The originals were good and then they made the "sequels" I think the Disney rep said they were embarassing. I dont really understand why Hollywood does what it does . remember the dudley do right movie from a few years back. sometimes a cartoon should remain a cartoon even on the big screen. I cant imagine what would have happened if the Simpson's movie were turned into a live action movie. imagine mighty mouse or danger mouse as live action movies i cant. Yea Underdog and other goofy cartoons arent the best source material for a movie but that doesnt mean that their interpretation on the big screen should be worse. ok i'm done ranting about this.
  13. just take some out and say you need to wipe them down for dust or something and then add in the new ones i jus got the zanbot too its still boxed and I'm waiting on the getter set to arrive any day now. if they do the gx-04 and gx-04b grendizer and the boss borot gx-10b then I'll be super happy.
  14. man i didnt even know it was going to be available. saw it on bbts that the hyper dyanmite mazinger and scrander was on Preorder and now the preorder is sold out. i havent seen anywhere else so but i'll be on the look out for it. oh and if any body see this or the Great mazinger available somewhere let me know too. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.as...amp;company=380
  15. hey Black Valkyrie thats a cool gallery great poses.
  16. I need on of those shirts. ha ha ha ha ha !
  17. yes i know it was goofy back in the day but this looks even goofier. I just don't understand this need to convert cartoon animals in to live action "heroes", this would have been just fine as a CG movie and c'mon tights does this out fit look tight on him?
  18. the Cure is coming. tickets went on sale this morning. I'm going
  19. and i'd do it again. it was a cute movie definately worth watching. i think it really is the only movie that i've enjoyed. (havent seen potter yet).
  20. just got mine today . i havent opened them yet I probably wont get to until later this week is there anything I should be carefull about? Qc issues or fragile parts? and i finally got the SOC Zanbot man the box is huge as well as the ex chogokin getter robo 1. I wont get to open theses until later this week
  21. anybody think that this new Underdog movie sux yeah it hasnt come out yet but looking at the commercials I just dont understand why this was made. that Garfield movie with bill murray was crap. so why do it again? i used to enjou Underdog now it looks extra goofy. I just dont get it.
  22. as you all know they've opened up Kwiki marts across the country My brother got me a kwiki mart slurpee styrofoam cup and buzz cola this is really cool in an odd sort of way. I was told that theres supposed to be on in Bladensburg MD this link is of somebody elses kwiki mart http://www.nohomers.net/showthread.php?t=62348
  23. Knight Rider its no good without the cheesy sound effects check them out http://www.audiosparx.com/sa/display/sound...d_group_iid.634
  24. i havent seen it yet but it sounds to me like this would have done well if they'd done it like the Kill Bill movies and just had it split in 2 or 3
  25. cool display , looks great man
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