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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Macross73

    2 seater 1/48s

    I've never understood why it cant be done. We know its possible and it doesn't require that much to accomplish the modification and even the purchase price would not be much of an issue . the Vf0a w/booster is selling and so is the SV 51. So why not?
  2. yes Anasazi37 did . I think that they're still be made not sure. edit: place your order http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23136
  3. Macross73

    Graham's Sig

    i think if they just do just key valks and not bother with every single one it would be great. vf1s Roy , vf1j Ichijo , vf1j Max , vf 1j milia , vf1a Ichijo , vf1a kakizaki , vf1a CF, vf1d , With strike armor and fast packs and the vt-1 , ve-1. Thats only uhmm .... 10 .
  4. they should have made these . I'd go for a couple of each.
  5. thats Real "Man" Doll for my "Man Room" hehehe
  6. I've been a Star Wars fan forever. I admit this is bit of a stretch as far as chogokin are concerned , but Darth Vader is now like the Hyper Dynamite Mazinger Z. same inner die cast body and vinyl armor. I couldn't resist it ... so I ordered it. I like the Mazinger Z so why not get this too. http://www.hlj.com/product/TMD31140
  7. i thinks its better that they take their time. essentially nora's will have to have some corrections now that there are stress marks being found as well as the reversed wing joint
  8. Hyper Hobby is making a variant Shin Getter http://www.collectiondx.com/node/1783
  9. that good news b/c I'm not realy in the 25th Anniv. versions.
  10. just finished watching Empire Strikes Back you know the documentary of how "hero" Skywalker learns about his dad. Well it was like an episode of Jerry Springer. Luke learns the truth and what happens ....yep theres a fight. I mean c'mon man its your dad. he hasn't seen you in ... well he never saw you. Only because you were kidnapped by the Rebels. Yeah taken from the hospital and hidden away. Heres your chance to know your Pop and all you can say is Noooooo! Theres your Dad, Darth Vader , extending his hand to you and what do you do ? You try and commit suicide by falling to your death. The Rebels have no family values.
  11. Macross73

    Second Life

    i think it'd be good , hope to see it soon. I hope a 2nd life is easier than this one.
  12. Oh High Grade heheheheh my bad
  13. HG transforming toy? if it was HG i don't think many here would be quite so excited Anyway you have provid epics when you get it.
  14. Noooooo! If you glue it together opt for something you can remove if you want to later on . clear double side tape maybe.
  15. for those of you that order from HLJ they have the aoshima / kawaii shokai Neo Getter weathered and the Shin Getter up for preorder. http://www.hlj.com/product/KWS83002 http://www.hlj.com/product/KWS83001
  16. i havent been following this at all and it makes me wonder if its worth selling mine.
  17. i cant get the link to work but are you talking about this one its cool but kinda expensive Item number: 280146055439 http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Real-Iron-Giant-So...1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. yeah there were alot of death threats and that resulted in the 1st movie and that didnt go over well with the fans so then theres the 2nd movie. of the 3 endings i like the 2nd movie more than either the tv shows or the 1st movie I dont think that they'll make an "ending"as much as they'll leave it open to make sequels
  19. I bet the Empire has huge govt contracts. Food contracts alone must be in the Millions on the Death Star. Weapons R&D must be in the trillions. Meanwhile the republic has to smuggle stuff and acquire (cough) imperial shuttles and even the Jedi have to make their own lightsabers.
  20. isn't this the 6th re-issue ? Well whatever it is I hope they keep to what they said about making smaller boxes for re-issues .
  21. well from looking at the trailer humans are good for one thing and thats making their heads explode now thats funny. I still don't think that humans need to be in a movie about aliens and predators
  22. why do humans have to be involved again? do we really need humans?
  23. perhaps this has already been discussed but for those that didn't know the animated version of Starscream is up at LOS coming November and at HLJ pre-order in November. Well I imagine BBTS will have it soon if not already for pre-order. http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT78874 http://www.laftoys.com/index.php?cPath=3_11
  24. I've never questioned the righteousness of the Rebels until now. Empire for me.
  25. just got Bioshock tonight couldn't wait to get the 360 back from the repair shop so I went to my Bro-in-law house He likes it a lot he just kept beating everything up in sight. the game looks great and i like the story. now i just need to sit down and play it for myself. LoL and definately not a game for small kids its truly violent.
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