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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. look up this ebay number 8236799705 Thats alot of $$$$$$$$ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...99705%26fvi%3D1
  2. a diecast replica of the sdf-1 and zentradi (sp) cruiser *two-pack* not sure what scale but about 12 inches long and sdf1 must transform!! oh and little vf1s to land on the deck.
  3. That what i plan on doing Ive seen one or two and they have sold around $300++ on ebay. Maybe they'll get re-issued
  4. Voltron : toynami's record so far isn't that great and i have some doubts about any thing they sell. i can wait and hope the figures has ABS plastic not the brittle stuff.
  5. Very nice, Cool color scheme, Looks super aggressive with the Fastpack amrour. Great work
  6. Greta pics of the armour Thanks Graham
  7. great looking stand Thank you Graham
  8. just added myself on the map one of a few in MD
  9. Thanks yep one heck of a self indulgent shopping spree this month i got those and a VF1a Hikaru 2nd edition. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...07977%26fvi%3D1
  10. my vote The toy-ha ha ha -nami MPC - crazy glue required - line i bought them all excited as any newb. I didn't open just admiribg from afar i got every on of them. anf when it was time to open and display a complete set ... well you know the rest. I had thought they were improvements over the 1/55 bandais Wow. NOPE The fires of passion no longer burn and though i sold most of mine i still keep some just to look at. A reminder of what could not be .
  11. Macross73

    Other 1/48's

    what about a vf-1d , vt-1, ve-1, yf-21, vf-11b to see these made 1/48 would be impressive. Alphas & betas too. Well made and durable. The wish list continues.
  12. i know this won't happen but they could make the boxes trapezoids and have less unused space. Then accesories , missiles could go under the plane or some other variation. yes its definately more impressive with wings extendedand able to see each accessory.
  13. Now if ADV buys out HG then i hope everybody benefits from it. I certainly hope things get better and fans here dont get the shaft on this. maybe there will be better avialability for ALL THINGS MACROSS the New movie is way better although the character designs are different than i thought they'd be
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-macross-1-60-VE...1QQcmdZViewItem great paint job! But $1000.00 Now way not for me!! if you have the money you can buy it.
  15. Also i cant find the list of all the "released and rerelased 1/48" list that was put up awhile back Can anybody point me in the right direction? Back on topic: These 1/48 arent heavy as others have stated and suprisingly solid when handled. i'm still babying it though at least till i can get more comfortable with it.
  16. now i'm not as happy about my decision to pre-order. going to have think this over does anyone know what Valk-Exch thinks will happen on these? Ididn't see any thing on this over there yet.
  17. thanks!! These look great and i couldn't stand having one marred b/c of my carelessness i want the rest seeing how i missed out on them but patience is not one of my virtues. Now my wallet cringes in fear hahahaha!!!!!!
  18. so then, is there an expectation that Yamato will release the Vf-1a Hikaru or more Low Viz or others etc..?
  19. Obitsu beats a GI Joe for Articulation
  20. i just got my first set of 1/48ths, since the new releases of the VF1s/1a/1j were more in my $ prange than some of the others out there. they look great. Are there any other areas of concern for breakage?
  21. this should come with a 1/48 vf/vt/1d/ or other not another re-release and the figure as a bonus. i'm doing what i can to collect the VFs that i need I'm not ready for 1/6 figures at $250 each. They could make a 1/55 VT OR VE or VF1D etc...
  22. Can't believe they did that though. thats just plain DUMB!! Cant believe Custom would be so destructive to a box in a box! edit : forgot still in angry disbelief
  23. this looks really neat!
  24. $250 and you get ...? why not just offer the head and flight suit and equipment so i can slap that on a GIJOE or make it for a 8" Mego or better a 9" Famous covers body
  25. this looks great thank for the pics and the info about HLj, i just placed my order
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