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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. I've got a copy of that and its good. I dont have an Bandai or Fx version so i cant compare it. All I can say is my girlfreind actually watched it with and she really doesn't like subtitles. edit: i did the research and figured out the 5 disc DVD set see pic below
  2. Ditto ! need some Photos here
  3. That Optimus Prime is very nice but i've got no room for anymore Statues / busts Also, I just saw That Twin moons has the itty bitty Optimus up for Preorder $40.00 but its too small for my tastes i've already got 4 of the MPC Optimus. i dont need a mini version, however I might reconsider it when i see a final product. Maybe if i put a olongs isde a 1/60 Vf-1 Yam, that might work
  4. i miss seeing kermit's ahem...display of affection. how will others learn his technique?
  5. it looks good but looks aren't everything gonna have to wait for the QC reviews before i go and get one and theres so much coming out that ...... oh yeah OT nevermind! but i'm still waiting for the reviews
  6. didnt know there were all those parts in there. a small sacrifice. Icant wait for the final product
  7. i haven't heard about any problems allthough i just started collecting the 1/48ths and haven't had the any problems with them. i just ordered up a couple of Fastpacks and this is something to consider when they arrive. thanks for the heads up. I suppose dull clear coat would work but nail polish is thicker
  8. not sure if this has been posted but take a look a different kind of car Nissan Pivo http://www.nissan-global.com/EN/NEWS/2005/...50930-02-e.html
  9. Who's getting a MPC Votron? i havent tried yet but has anyone purposely broken up an Alpha and customized it with a new paint job or other alteration? I've got a couple that i may do but all that glue instead of screws has me wondering if i should even try.
  10. i was just reading thru GI that the next generation dvd will only be for movies and is not for Games. if and when HD dvd drives appear on the system, game producers wont/ cant take advantage of th new discs. So the war between blue ray and Hd dvd seems to have shifted since Xbox 360 isn't supporting it as much as i thought. i was under the impression that HD dvd was gonna win since Bgates was for it. Although its still way to early to tell how this will really affect things. Xbox game makes are forced to stay on standard dvd disc and games in the future will be on multiple discs
  11. i'm intersted in a wing - the lower left section and a gun Post some pics when you can
  12. Excellent News. i've stopped looking for an original the 2 i saw were to much $$ B/c i really wanted to get both at once. edit : sp
  13. 10 out of 10 high marks "I love how almost all have 0 feedback winners. My favorite simply has to be this one though" http://cgi.ebay.com/XBOX-360-Core-system-b...1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. all i've got is paintbrush but no time to draw. oh well
  15. So SouthernCross didn't make it, and thats why the story doesn't flow like the others. So they just tied up as many loose ends and thats it. i still haven't seen the original un-macek-ed version. i still dont care for the mecha in this. maybe if theres a -yammies version- edit: sp
  16. Saw the movie this past weekend, it was good. i never read the books or watched any other version. But i liked this ! and Yes there were a few scenes of the Sweeping landscapes.
  17. Jenious Do you have a pic of this Mars version?
  18. So its Coming January 2006 for sure? i checked the link to ebay and nothing so where did this info come from? does someone have it available for preorder?
  19. This is a contest of Familiar proportions feedback rating 1 vs feedback rating 1 Who will win ? and wheres that 0 feedback guy to jack $$ the price up!! http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=6018555473
  20. Just saw an Advert for this............ no high expections wonder if it'll be like Witchblade a couple of episodes and then.............the End
  21. hey grss1982 need some help pm'd you
  22. hey the e b a y took the listing off
  23. SH imagery in the pics looks right but ...the david bowie Labrynth look isnt working for me. jemstone who is myks avatar inquiring minds want to know
  24. all i can say is ..... Zar - Who?
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