This is a family envirenment so i wont go into anything
But i Absolutely Disagree.
The Cylons have to have larger plans. Clearly they could have overtaken one Battlestar. Six's link with Baltar serves multiple purposes. military tactical info as well as the state of internal conflict among key members in power.
Cains appearance and ruthlessness only serves the Cylons own plans. Setting both battlestars against each other would have been and is the easiest way to eliminate both threats. Although why this hasn'y been exploited fully by Six/Baltar i dont know.
I dont see Adama sacraficing Starbuck at all. and from the clip its apparent that its not her......
The upcoming attack on the base stars seems allows us to see the end of Cain , i'm only guessing that we're supposed to see Cain repent her ways and sacrifice herself leaving us with only one Battlestar to continue the search for Earth.