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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. I'm gonna be poor after this The transformation is very nice just like the 1/48s
  2. I saw Underworld Evolution and I liked it, the effects could have been better in certain parts and maybe the plot tweaked, but i wanted to be entertained and I was. I'm not intersted in Ultraviolet, however i did see the trailer for X men 3 & Silent hill. Definately going to see both of them. I had my reservations about Silent hill but the effects do the game justice i just hope it doesnt blow. edit: forgot to mention V for Vendetta trailer was shown looks good!
  3. I'm not familiar with series wheres it being shown?
  4. i wotk for the Dept of -------- and my job requires long hours little to no sleep and Severe bouts of tedious work. Your tax dollars at work
  5. i'v read significantly longer on these boards.
  6. Great conversion to a VF1S Max. I think alot of folks are liking the use of 1/60 gunpods they seem more aesthetically pleasing.
  7. That box like sdf-3 looks ....... i just dont liike it.
  8. I dont mind recap episodes they are good for when your not up to date on events. I hated the fact that it had to end. No i didnt want to see a series of meaningless battle after battle like other shows. I just wanted more.
  9. yep, the grand cannon cleared the way.
  10. Saw Depeche Mode in VA in and then Disturbed in DC. Excellent Shows.
  11. i'v got a bunch of spare parts. i'm not going do this on whole valk, without testing it.
  12. thats really cool. but whats does the website say? how much?
  13. Great tip ! i'm looking to finally do a custom 1/48 and wasn't sure about what to use to take the paint off. I may try this on a 1/55 also.
  14. i bought 3 of boot legs for next to nothing awhile back and they're ok for customs, not that i've had the time to them. I got the Bandai 17s and its construction is similar to the Bootlegs. i gave the 17s to my brother.
  15. do you have any examples of your work?
  16. Great gifs I really wish they had shown more of that on the show!
  17. interested in three sets
  18. Another bootleg
  19. My dogs, puppies need attention or they'll chew you out of house and socks and remote controls and shoe strings and ...........
  20. picked up all 4 Skid Prowl etc. I like the new packageing and they are nice the Scion i like alot. I haven't opened them up. I'll be getting the next set. My question here why is skids listed for an April release?
  21. i haven't seen every sinlge episode but i'm keeping up. my question is we've seen the military and the Presidency. What about the civilians? 50k refugees and we see very little of them. in the old show the military and civilians had significant contact with each other. Also the ongoing bakstabbing, Starbucks speech at the funeral for example ... I'd like to see them them more unified.
  22. Are you guys familiar with this 5 disc set? is this a boot leg ? how good is it?
  23. Well since the 1/60 Vf-OS is bigger than the 1/48 doesnt it make sence that it would cost as much or more Yeah there expensive and buying a couple at a time isn't easy but i do it when i can. its worth it to me.
  24. After tonight this discussion will probably get even MORE interesting. Stay Tuned
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